I got this email today in response to me email to President Fire Thunder:
Greetings from the Oglala Sioux Tribe. A name has been decided for the clinic; it will be the Sacred Choices Clinic. On an exciting note, it is fast becoming a reality. We thank you and your support is deeply appreciated. Sincerely, Vonnie Bush OST Presidents Exec. Secretary. OST SACRED CHOICES PRES CECELIA FIRE THUNDER - PO BOX 2070 - PINE RIDGE, SD - 57770
Due to the many requests of another organization on the Pine Ridge Reservation re: donations I have suggested the following non-profit organization re: Sacredness of Women (domestic violence).
Cangleska, Inc.
Karen Artichoker, Director
PO Box 638
Kyle, SD 57752
PHONE: 1-605-455-2244
EMAIL: karen@cangleska.org
Here are some more relevant links, courtesy of indianz.com: