May 05, 2005 03:03
i hate moscow but i missed it. havent been for a while there. we got there at 9!!! walked around hollywood blvd. eriq sold himself for a dollar. i was his pimp. i got inside first while everyone else waited in line. it took an hour for them to get inside. but whatever i was dancing hehehe. by the time they got in the dj was playing shitty music and i was tirred. pretty much a typical nite at moscow. Jon "im soo wasted". Eriq chasing asians. Jeff to drunk to stand on his own. Cluck arriving late as usual. but nooooo then came the surprise that equaled me running into jon a few months ago. fucking big nick showed up hahahaha. we stayed till it closed. havent done that since blue back when i started going to clubs. i was dancing with some guy. it reminded me why i was i never wore girl pants before for those of u who know my theory on guys and girl pants ;-) hehehe. ehhhh i found a parking ticket on my car tooo. fucking gay!!! but it was a good nite i guess.
the only reason i even went to moscow tonite was
because my crush was supposed to be there.
but he didnt show :'-(
razo dances like a bro. oh yeah i went there hahahahaha