(no subject)

Jul 25, 2006 00:03

EDIT: Links Fixed!

Wow Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is a horrible movie. Maybe in the theater the cinematography would have been enough to keep my attention, but in my living room I just stopped paying attention after awhile. I thought I was gonna get through it by cheering on the giant robots, but it’s mostly Jude Law with his bland level at high and Gwenneth Paltrow being miscast and insufferable. I was waiting and waiting for Angelina Jolie to show up in an eyepatch and, like, command some robots and then all of a sudden everything went orientalist. Of course it did. How could an expensive action-y blockbuster-hopeful get through it’s first hour without a fantastical sojourn to the tips of some far eastern mountain where wisdom is gained? VERY BORING. Not recommended.

This is from someone who cried during V for Vendetta a few days ago, for the second time. At the part with the actress (no more discussion as a personal favor to certain people who haven’t seen it yet so I can’t talk about it...) If I had been watching it alone I would have bawled.

Jactitation has a good discussion about leftist pirate fetishism over here.

So it looks like Israel's using chemical weapons. See also here, here, here and here

BTW a certain local establishment was mysteriously closed today. I laugh and laugh.

hell, pirates, linkity, orientalism, occupation is a crime, autobio, israel, sky captain, film, v for vendetta

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