I liked Garden State but hated the ending. If you ever do watch it, I recommend turning it off when Natalie Portman is at the airport crying. But be quick turning it off, because she doesn't get to cry for very long before the ending gets ruined.
I think he was friends with about half the bands/singers in the soundtrack, which is why he chose them for it.
THANK YOU, could not agree more about the ending. Although I also would've enjoyed the movie more if Natalie Portman had not been in it at all; I found her really awful and unlikable in it. I wonder if I could hire someone to CGI Claire Danes in her place.
F Natalie Portman. She ruins everything. Except V For Vendetta, where much to my surprise, she didn't really bother me. But don't even get me started on Close
Oh I see, this is gonna be Pink Floyd all over again. Everyone's loving on Zach "I'm fugly" Braff and his masturbatory movie. Fine. The world just hates me. My own LJ hates me.
Zach Braff's shtick is old as the hills, and it makes me want to barf every time he tries to act all cute and whimsical, because honestly it is just so affected. He's just a lothario in sheep's clothing, as he tries to "out-sensitive" everyone else and hoodwink girls into thinking he's sweet and adorable. Oh, how I hate him.
I think he was friends with about half the bands/singers in the soundtrack, which is why he chose them for it.
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