Misc. AU- Razor Mouth

Nov 29, 2011 21:03

Title: Razor Mouth
Fandom: Misc. AU/ Road Rage
Characters: Catherine, Nichol
Summary: Catherine and Nichol have a fight about the usual things. Road Rage AU.
A/N: Completely aquatinted. AU Road Rage stuff.

There were too many thing she couldn't say. They sat on her tongue rough and jagged. The very movement of them caused her pain, and she wanted to spit the bloody mess of it out onto the street. She swallowed the words instead. She took a breath and stepped away.

"You just can't face reality," Nichol shouted.

Catherine shut her eyes. The words returned to her mouth and she released them without thought. "You want reality? You want truth? Then you tell me why you can't forgive her? Because all she was was a kid who got tangled up in a game before she even knew the rules! And you played it!" She huffed and then said softly, "You and your little conspirator played it. Maybe you stopped playing and tried to make it real, but it was too late. But you have to take your part in the blame for breaking her in the first place, and live with the consequences of everything that tumbled after."

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He started to walk away but stormed back. "She could have killed my child."

Catherine nodded. "Yes..and herself. And that was years ago."

"And you?"

"Don;t push this back on me. What she and I went through was nothing compared to you two. If you want to rage and scream at me for standing up for her in court you can. I don;t really care. I told you before she deserves the second chance. As far as I can see she at least deserves some supervised visitation. That's all she wants."

"She can't have it!"

"Fine." She shook her head and put her hands up. "Fine, she can't have it. But let's not pretend that this has anything to do with her. It's you trying to make up for not being there in the first place when you knew you should have been." Catherine turned a walked away.

Nichol shouted after her. "You don't fool me Catherine! You just help her because of your guilt for abandoning your own daughter!"

She couldn't run. She wanted to. She had to walk as fast as she could. When she finally reached him again she punched him in the face.

He fell back to the ground and chuckled, "It's a good thing I'm not the lead in a show." He pulled his hand away and was relieved to find his nose wasn't bleeding. "I'm sorry."

"No you aren't. You meant it. Now...stop being stupid and walk me home."

misc - au, character - catherine, character - nichol, multi-chapter - the red shoes, multi-chapter - road rage au

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