Title: Break the Chain
Fandom: Misc. AU/ Road Rage
Characters: Catherine Bloom, Duo Maxwell
Summary:An unwelcome hospital visit. Road Rage AU
A/N: Aquatinted. More Road Rage AU experimentation.
"And how is this beautiful lady doing."
Catherine would have bolted upright in her hospital bed if could, but the medication and the brace on her leg was enough to keep her from doing much more than having a pained expression on her face.
She shut her eyes when Duo's beaming face appeared from behind a bouquet of roses. She hated roses. Eight years together, five years married, three years divorced and he never remembered.
"Are you okay," he asked and put the roses down on a nearby table. "I can call the nurse if-"
"I'm fine. Just a little..." She trailed off and looked over his shoulder.
"Cath, I didn't bring her. I know..." He lost his happy glow. "I knew you wouldn't want to see her."
She shook her head. "We don;t have to have another one of these conversations while I'm trapped here do we?"
"No." Duo seemed to be appraising Catherine's position. "I have pictures though. If you want to see."
"Maybe later." She looked at the roses and touched the soft yellow petals. "This just a social visit."
Duo nodded. "Trowa mentioned...well, he said it was pretty bad. And I thought you could use some cheering up."
"Show me the pictures", Catherine said softly.
Duo handed over a small stack of photos.
There seemed to be a very common theme among them and Catherine was heartbroken and full of pride all at the same time. She took a deep breath to keep herself from crying. How could she ever explain it? How could anyone ever understand her choices?
"Helen wants to be a dancer," Duo said softly. "She came to me last year and demanded that I put her in tap lessons."
"I...Oh Duo...I'm sorry."
He reached out and took her hand. "Don't be. She's a gift. And I know- I know you won't change your mind...I mean about being in her life as her mother. But one day..." He trailed off and sighed. "Her teachers all say she's a natural."
"So was I." Catherine looked at the picture in her hand. "You don't believe this, but she's better off without me. You love her. Your wife loves her. She has what she needs."
Duo nodded and took back the photos. "Do you?"
"Have what you need,Catherine?" He looked at the brace on her leg. "This...this was-"
"Not the end of the world." She coughed and then lied to get him out of her room, "I'm good. I'll be fine. I have what I need. I really do. I promise."