Title: Music/Writing drabble meme
Fandom: Various
Pairings/Characters: Various
Summary: Music/Writing Meme
A/N: Aquatinted, using the rules below. Just trying to get my writing mojo back. That creaking you hear would be the rust coming off my fingertips.
1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them
1. Nothing Can Be Done by Joni Mitchell- D (Vampire Hunter D)- 4:51:
A hologram image flickered along the roadside, and as the rider approached a flicker of recognition crossed his pale but beautiful features. His cyborg halted in front of the image and the hologram addressed him.
"If you've come here I've no doubt it's because you've been hired to take my life." The woman brushed a strand of blond hair from her face and continued, "But I've resigned myself to death at you hands eventually. If I've become a monster from too much boredom. I hope you'll be quick about it. I'll be at the manor house, D."
The wind picked up and D set his eyes on the horizon, pulling on the reigns and urging his horse forward. He did not glance back at the image, he only whispered, "Mina."
2. Artisan by Yoko Kanno- Sylvia/Iria (Gundam Wing)- 1:01:
When she played the piano Sylvia forgot that anyone else was in the room. Her fingers danced over the keys and hardly skipped a note when Iria sat down next to her and kissed her cheek.
3. Santi-U by Yoko Kanno- Shiori (Utena)- 7:13:
There was something beautiful in the dreams, even when they made her wake with screams of terror. The gentle whispering of all she could accomplish by stealing what she wanted. Sometimes the dreams felt more like memories, and even during her waking hours she could feel the stirrings of their dark intent, especially whenever she looked over at Juri. But just as the dreams and the thoughts they conjured would rise to the forefront of her mind, something else always stepped in, inrupting like static on the radio.
She shook her head and blinked. There was really a sword in her hand after all. Well… she looked down at it…It was a fencing foil. She pulled her helmet over her head and stepped up to challenge the captain of the team. Rushing and dancing, feeling a sinister intent guiding her hand. She almost forgot to stop when she felt the sharp pressure of Juri's blade hit her chest.
Shiori picked herself off the ground and took off her helmet.
"That was…unexpected," Juri said.
4. Please Don't Tease by The Donnas- Major Mokoto Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)- 2:50:
He always did this when he was feeling teased, but Kusanagi merely shrugged in response. It only aggravated him more and then he asked a question. A singular sore spot in her world, but instead of retaliate she mere grinned. It was a cute, very girlish smile. Batou responded to it by socking himself in the jaw.
She stepped away feeling vindicated, but perturbed. Sometimes it was a hard thing to like someone so much.
5. Lady your Roof Brings Me Down by Scott Weiland- Touko Aozaki (Kara no Kyoukai) -5:25:
A stream of smoke left Touko's lips as she watched the three in her office converse. Technically speaking Skiki wasn't really conversing so much as offering monotone answers, and giving Mikiya odd looks. On the other hand the exchanges between Mikiya and his sister, Azaka, were more animated and awkward.
Touko took another drag from her cigarette and removed her glasses. It was time for playtime to stop, so she stood up and calmly directed her apprentice towards some practice.
"He's so aggravating."
"I'm sure."
"I mean-"
"Why not practice your aim," Touko asked softly. "That takes the sting off such quarrels."
6. Condemnation by Depeche Mode- Chikaru/ Miyuki (Strawberry Panic)- 3:23:
They were both watching from the back of the room, and then miyuki decided to leave the room. Chikaru followed, because she knew when someone needed a talking too.
"You could be happy for them," Chikaru said softly as she got in step with the older girl.
"You…could mind your own business."
"But, I'm the president of the Gossip Club," she stated with a smile. "I can't let something this juicy go."
7. Tiki Room Barker Bird- Wufei/Mariemea (Gundam Wing)- 0:46:
He took a deep breath as she held his arm. The stepped into the Hawaiin attraction and he remembered that he endured this sort of thing because he loved her.
8. So Trieben Wir Den Winter Aus by Mediaeval Babes-Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop)- 2:29:
Memory was turning out to be just as bad a vice as gambling for her. Having lost everything twice she assumed she could just carry on as she had before. But the memories, soft and unyielding would reach out to her in the oddest locations. Faces and places from before the gate exploded that told her she wasn't a bad person. She was just lost.
9. A Day in the Life by The Beatles- Saionji/Touga (Utena)- 5:08:
He'd felt better when he was living on his own. He'd been free and of much more than he could imagine at the time. And yet, despite the pressures of trying to match his friend having been lifted there was something missing.
Once, just before he was allowed back into the school, he had spied Touga with some useless conquest. He felt a pang that could have been jealousy. He tried to ignore it. He didn’t want to know if he was jealous because he missed being in a position of power at the school, or if it was the girl, or-
And he immediately made himself stop wondering about it. It was all in the past. He was back on campus and he could fight once more. He could grasp something eternal, even not fully realizing what that was.
10. Beware My Heart by Margaret Whiting- Santana/Brittany (Glee)- 2:48:
Santana knew it would be a mistake. The song, the confession, opening up and being anything but scheming would only ruin things. She shut her eyes and tried to focus on the bread sticks. Then she took a deep breath and tried to decide what song she could sing to fix everything.