Where are you?

Mar 03, 2008 01:00

**"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything."~anonymous

*When it comes to the issue of helping others, I believe there are primarily 2 types of people:

1. Those who selflessly act strictly to benefit the person or people.
2. Those who do things for the sole purpose of gaining attention or recognition for themselves.

Though I'm not close to perfect, I attempt to push myself into category 1. on a daily basis. Please, don't misunderstand me. I'm not claiming a person should never receive accolades for their gracious act(s) of kindness. I'm all for giving applause where it's due. I'm simply stating, don't give to/do for another strictly based on bragging rights around the water cooler. Humble meshes with confidence much better than arrogance.

***I had already written the above earlier when I had a phone conversation with a friend...While we were talking, the subject of people living based solely on the need to impress others came up. I feel this ties into the issue mentioned above. It is true there ARE times when one should care what another thinks:

An example of a positive: I've hurt my brother's feelings.

An example of a negative: I bought the new Hermes Birkin bag even though I can't afford it, because my neighbor Mrs. Jones has one. Yadda yadda yadda...you most likely know what I'm getting at.

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I can tell you that I've been on several sides of things financially. I've also always been an eclectically multifaceted girl...which means I've gotten along with several different types of people. When they tell you money can't buy class...believe me(cliches are cliches because they usually hold a staggering amount of truth within them.) It's true that there are good and bad/false and true people EVERYWHERE you go. I will always attempt to grow, mature and evolve into a better person...However, I will also always stay true to who I am at the deepest part of my heart and soul.

*Notting Hill quote moment: Anna Scott: After all... I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.

Aren't some of the most poignant moments found in the most raw simplistic of things?

I've really been into old movies lately. It's true at times they can be dated. Yet there are those timeless gems. I've been feeling so overly stimulated, pushed and pulled in so many directions...all of this can make a girl feel burnt out! With so many options, how is one supposed to make a decision or truly know who they are/what they want?! These movies have allowed me to see as well as remember what it's like to gain some calm simplicity...tranquility if you will. Don't get me wrong. I've never been a simple girl in my tastes, goals, hobbies, etc. I just feel as if things are becoming too muddied and complicated out there.

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impress, tranquility, simplicity, priorities, stress, confusion, society, love, improve

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