Will the real Alicia please stand up, please stand up.

May 01, 2014 10:09

I used to never back down. I would stand up for my opinion no matter who was debating against me, always trying to develop my thoughts on a subject and learn from others in the process. In the last five years I've definitely mellowed my temperament regarding things like this; maybe its a sign of growing up to accept that people will not agree or a misguided sign of respect. Maybe it's a sign of weakness in my character as well? Lately I have started voicing my opinion again, creating slight conflict. You know what? I enjoy it. I forgot how much I enjoy it.
This morning I happened to comment on a post that I KNEW was going to start a disagreement but I couldn't help myself because in my opinion they were WRONG. I like to avoid conflict for the most part, I guess at some point I decided that it wasn't worth people avoiding discussing things with me (ha). I think I was mistaken.
So, here's to reclaiming that opinionated outspoken girl. At least a little bit. Sometimes people need to develop their own thoughts to be more accepting of others as well. I feel as if I have a pretty rounded balance on situations; I can see things from several different stances regardless of how I feel. These things needed to be taken into consideration when evolving our thought processes on a whole and it frustrates me to no end when I feel that others neglect that fact entirely.
Of course there are some people that will never back down or expand on their own feelings to encompass several different pictures and those are situations that I should avoid.
I suppose the saying is true, pick your battles.

These next four days are jam packed but they feel like they are going to pass very gradually. In reality I know that they will fly by to some extent but I'm just anxious, ready to be done with the waiting. Anticipation of something can be so consuming at times, other times it's a thought process that we evade depending on the circumstance. This time it's consuming, sneaking into my dreams, wiggling it's way into every time frame I have.

I woke up early this morning naturally for the first time in a long while. Unemployed life lends a great deal of time to late nights and late mornings. I decided to drink a cup of joe and watch Dexter at six this morning. I have four episodes left until I am finished with the series; the reviews online have left me disappointed. I tried to avoid the comments and articles but they were bound to sneak in and alter my opinion before I was even given the chance to form my own. Four episodes left. I wish I could watch them right now but the baby is awake and it's time for "Aba". Aba is Strawberry Shortcake. Which, btw, is terrible. I didn't watch cartoons growing up very avidly, I really wasn't that interested in the television. It blows my mind how kids these days have it as an integral part of their day. What of days in the sunshine? Not coming in until the streetlights came on? Color tag, hostage, marco polo, war? Amber and I were discussing this the other day and we decided that mostly underprivileged kids seem to still appreciate the "outside". If you aren't given an option you have to find different ways to play. The way that the little ones use mobile phones and tablets is RIDICULOUS. I say this now, I'm not sure how I will be when I have a child, but I hope that I don't let that happen. I hope that I have enough patience to put my foot down. I know that the television is mostly a convenience for parents, a way to distract their children when they have life-side things to attend to.

A big whopping but. But no! 

standing up, kids, debates

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