the adventures of....
this past weekend i went up to CT to see my friends band - Railroad Salvage play. they're a classic rock cover band. if you like the classics, u'd love these guys -
Railroad Salvage *plug plug*. anyways, during their set the guitarist and the bassist pull out these toy swords and fight on stage. at their last show, the guitarist (forgy) broke his sword, but he gave me the two pieces to keep. so at this one, the bassist (klymer) threw his sword to me in the crowd after the fight. it was awesome. all night long i walked around with my sword in my belt. anyways, my friends and i had too much fun with the sword and took pictures. here ya go:
my friend dan knighting me
myself and nikki
Sir Spots-a-Lot attacks!
i cannot be defeated!
uh oh....nikki stole my sword....
ready to strike!
luckily, nikki decided to show Sir Spots-a-Lot some mercy and they united their mohawks in a peace offering
Sir Spots-a-Lot and ze trusty sword Layla!
but in the end we're all just really cute and innocent....i swear!
and that concludes the adventures of the brave knight Sir Spots-a-Lot and ze trusty sword Layla.