Microsoft Office is my passion. I love database management system Access, I adore spreadsheet processor Excel and I know all about Word. Another Office parts are known also! By the way, I can connect different things each to other, even not only Office or Microsoft products, but, for example, your site MySQL database to Excel spreadsheet.
I can spend hours reading websites about tweaks in Office and than trying to introduce it into my current work.
Logic of Office is simply perfect for me, as for millions other people. Is is simple and powerful tool that cover 99% of practical needs of people with outstanding friendliness and universality. The proof of high quality of Office is a bunch of imitators that grow up during last years.
Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, for example, are good too, and can do a lot of useful thins. And they can be interconnected so easily!..
I think technologies that Microsoft used in Office are great. XML, VBA, OLE, VSTO, Office Live and different useful big and small tools are just amazing. People in my country (Ukraine) were used to blame Microsoft in monopolism and poor quality, but Microsoft Office software is the best for me! I can help you in moderate price! Just e-mail your issue to me and I surely will answer as soon as possible! Виконаємо реферати, контрольні, курсові, дипломні роботи. Сайти - розробка та просування. Переклад текстів. Репетиторство у Скайпі та ICQ - англійська, математика, компьютерні науки тощо.
Також презентації, пошук інформації, набір, сканування, роздрук. Російською, українською та англійською! I can teach you Russian and Ukrainian via Skype as well as be your guides in Ukraine. I can also translate and interprete Russian, Ukrainian and English texts. Web development/SEO/Ecommerce/shopping cart...etc ( for everyone)
Basic Web-site: $20. Order now! -----------
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