Your General Stats
Name Juli
Age 17
Zodiac/Birthday Aquarius/31January1988
Chinese Astrological Sign Dragon
Human or Half Breed Stranger? Most people seem to think I'm human...
What's your current home situation? Living with my parents, unfortunately... >>;
What's your current position in the world? ...Insignificant speck who needs to Graduate from highschool so she can get somewhere in life.
List Your likes Coffee, Raspberry tea, Anime, Friends, Movies, The Occult, Vampires
List Your Dislikes Rules, Parents, School, Stupid People, Rudeness
Favorite Movie Currently? The Chronicles of Narnia. ♥
Favorite Book "Lucky" by Alice Sebold
Favorite Religion(If you have strong feelings about this then just put yours) ...Ehh, I don't know much about religion, honestly... >>; Agnostic to a T, that's me.
Favorite Food Takoyaki
My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan? I believe in both, but have reason to believe I'll be seeing Satan when I die.
Angels or Daemons? Daemons
Supernatural or Natural? Supernatural
Cookies or Cake? ...Cake
Water or Soda? Soda
Good or Evil? Evil
Hero or Anti-Hero? Anti-Hero
The Devil's in the Movie's Details
Favorite character and Why?: Chaz, because he's a lot stronger than he looks, mentally and physically. Plus, I tend to like the underdog.
Least Favorite and Why?: Angela, because... I'm not sure, she really just rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't much care for her character... she seemed underdeveloped to me, or something. >>;
If You had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?: To save mankind? I should hope I would be able to.
If you had a Million Dollars how would you spend it?: In increments on clothes and necessities, as well as probably get some stuff for my friends... because I never have money and am constantly indebted to them. >>;
Describe your dream Vacation: Somewhere quiet where I don't have to deal with the stupidity of everyday people, cool, possibly rainy weather, a heated indoor pool and a computer with unlimited internet access. XD
If you were stranded on a Desert Island-which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: Constantine because he's highly attractive to hopefully keep me from getting killed by whatever may be on said island, Chaz for comedy relief, and Gabriel because everyone needs a random ArchAngel in their life. XD
Quote a Movie line: "If you would have told me you were going to drop a 300 pound mirror with a pissed off demon, I would have moved it further, John!!" (Not sure of the exact wording... >>; It's been a while since I've seen the movie.)
The Usual Photosection. post pictures of your angelic face or daemonic mug here. Applications sans images will not be processed kthnx