it's constantine. no. really. it is.

Oct 15, 2005 22:56

Your General Stats
Name Prague
Age 18
Zodiac/Birthday Leo/ 8-6
Chinese Astrological Sign Rabbit
Human or Half Breed Stranger? Half Breed
What's your current home situation? College Dorm
What's your current position in the world? College Student who's life is governed by Latin and Russian class

List Your likes Marb Light 100's, horses, film, warm scarves, sepia photos, chai, good wine, sexy Russians, white russians (yum), sleeping in, freezing showers, green tea pills, books, pale skin, not knowing what time it is, writing, languages, capitalism, travel, watching trashy shows like What Not to Wear, eccentrities, poetry, striving for perfection, starvation, mirrors, indie films that make you go "whoa", ripped jeans and dirty shoes, coy smiles
List Your Dislikes girls who wear tight pants when they shouldn't, the smoking ban, snow, parents who put their children on leashes, people who make out with their dogs, menthol, cheap beer, drama, mall cops, netspeak, fake tans, visible panty lines, bookbags, buses, early morning, breakfast, milk
Favorite Movie Trainspotting, Constantine,Fight Club, Sin City
Favorite Book The Secret History
Favorite Religion None. I grew up "sampling" many different relgions and churches, synogogs, temples, what have you and it's bullshit. I don't belive in God because I want proof. Also I don't belive in any relgion that demands money, I'm not down with that.
Favorite Food Easy, quesadillas the way my gramma makes em.

My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan? Satan, more fun
Angels or Daemons? Demons
Supernatural or Natural? Supernatural
Cookies or Cake? Cake
Water or Soda? Chai
Good or Evil? Either way there's going to be both, but I belive in pleasure and satisfaction, so Evil
Hero or Anti-Hero? anti-hero

The Devil's in the Movie's Details
Favorite character and Why?: Lucifer, because of how he was played. He almosted seemed like this cool southern guy you could drink lemonade with, who could also kill ya.
Least Favorite and Why?: Angela, lacked depth, and fashion sense. And common sense for that matter.
If You had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?: Could I use a harpoon?
If you had a Million Dollars how would you spend it?: Myself, buy a decent race horse (I'm training to become a female jockey), a sweet flat in London and one in Moscow, a hummer, and unlimited cigarettes, and the country of Andora
Describe your dream Vacation: Buenos Aires
If you were stranded on a Desert Island-which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: Chas, he seems like he'd be the most resourcefull, he's well read ya know. John would bitch a lot, Angela, well I think I'd kill her, Isabelle would be useless, Beeman-no, Henesy kinda freaks me out.
Quote a Movie line: "This Will Hurt"

The Usual Photosection. post pictures of your angelic face or daemonic mug here. Applications sans images will not be processed kthnx

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