Your General Stats
Zodiac/Birthday Scorpio. Nov. 15
Chinese Astrological Sign Pig
Human or Half Breed Stranger? Half breed.
What's your current home situation? My parents live an hour apart, with various scattered friends in between the two of them. I spend more time on the road than in my own bed, and aside from a brother, stepmother and my parents I've got no family to speak of on this continent.
What's your current position in the world? I'm a student, I work two jobs. Construction and legal assistant. I can't decide whether I like the physical work or mental challenge better. Can't have both, but I try anyway.
List Your likes Sleep, reading, writing, art, drawing, fire, water, sunlight, stars and bugs, snakes, lizards, spiders and animals.
List Your Dislikes cruelty, injustice, pride, liars.
Favorite Movie American Psycho
Favorite Book Interview with the Vampire
Favorite Religion Roman Catholic, Buddhist.
Favorite Food Rack of Lamb, medium rare.
My Favorite Section...This or that?
(Warning. This gets biblical)
God or Satan? God
Angels or Daemons? Daemons
Supernatural or Natural? Natural
Cookies or Cake? Cake
Water or Soda? Water
Good or Evil? Good
Hero or Anti-Hero? Anti-Hero
The Devil's in the Movie's Details
Favorite character and Why?: Kramer, he makes me laugh and his goofyness hides his own powers and intelligence which is often how I find I'm percieved. I relate to him because people will short change me due to my sense of humor and class-clowning, but what they don't realize is that, like Kramer, I posses knowledge and understanding which could be useful to their survival.
Least Favorite and Why?: Gabriel, betrayal, even utterly deluded, sickens me to the core.
If You had to kill someone to save mankind...would you?: Depends on who it was. But generally I'd say no. Even God teaches that he would not destroy a city of sinners if one innocent lived among them. Granted that is somewhat opposite of the question, but I believe an innocent person is by far a precious thing and I'd have to weigh which action would affect my soul the deepest. Saving mankind might still get me sent to hell if it meant killing an innocent, and there is nothing more important than my soul to me at this point.
If you had a Million Dollars how would you spend it?: On my family, fix their credit and debt and pay off loans, mortgages, see that they were secure. Give the rest to charity.
Describe your dream Vacation: Egypt for a month, unlimited spending money for the markets and tours.
If you were stranded on a Desert Island-which one of the characters would you take with you and why?: Constantine. Because I'd eventually become anti social and I think he'd be the only person that'd be unbothered by me ignoring him where as being stuck with someone who is annoyed with me for not wanting to "talk" might just lead me to cannibalism sooner than necessary.
Quote a Movie line: *punches Gabriel* "That's called PAIN, get used to it."