This comm is dead silent. Time to give it some life!
Title: Demons 101 (1/?)
Word Count: 3,041 words
Rating: Mature (violence, not too explicit. Yet.)
Canon: Constantine, post movie
Disclaimer: Warner Bros, Vertigo, etc, you know the drill.
Characters: Balthazar, Ellie, mentions of everyone else
Summary: Balthazar finally pops out of Hell only to feel like the absent father come home at last. His office has been rearranged, his favourite armchair is gone, and the only secretary he can find is a prostitute.
Xposted @
ashen_wings LINK:
And since it was the demonic equivalent of ‘back home’, it was a lot like going back to live with your militant, Jesus Freak parents and never being allowed to leave, ever. Plus, torture.