Song 13

Dec 18, 2009 13:42

[Well, it's been two weeks. Shuichi's been hard at work writing songs and trying to show Tohma he deserves to work for him. But, with all this work he's been doing, he has completely neglected communicator-san! So what does communicator-san do?]



[Shuffling as Shuichi removes communicator-san from his pocket and throws it on the ground.]


Aaaaah, that hurt... Yuuukiiii, it hurt me...

[He sulks for a few more moments and then picks up communicator-san and apologizes quietly.]

Ah, I've been writing some lyrics! Seguchi-san said he put me in a band with Johnny Sfondi-san and Hirasawa Yui-san! I guess that means we should get together and write some music, if we have to perform in six weeks. Six weeks is plenty of time to write something better than anyone else! Even better than Nittle Grasper.

Now don't do that again...

!seguchi tohma, !sakuma ryuichi, @discedo

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