No need to act foolishly

Sep 14, 2005 00:36

I have been spending way too much time thinking about my post-college life that my current college life is slipping me by. So, I decided to change a few things. Well, not really.........I just to possibly catch your interest with a catchy, insightful opening.
Here's the real deal.
I spent a wonderful Saturday evening out and about with friends and neighbors and loved ones. But, first, let's talk about my day earlier. I couldn't sleep the night before, so I woke up around 11 Saturday morning only to find myself even more exhausted than when I went to sleep. However, I had to get up and go teach a student of mine at 12:30 and possibly get to the bank before that. So, I sacrificed showering among other things and went on my way. Little Ben is my six year old that I teach on Saturdays. He's cool and has a kick-ass room. He even has his 3/4 drum set all shiny and new. He loves it and he loves to play.
After his lesson, I chatted up his MILF mother and played with their bassett hound, but soon had to depart for I had other adventures to experience. I went to Southside to Richmond Music Center for the first time and was honestly disappointed. I was expecting a large store with plenty of space to try stuff out, but it was like every other music store I've been in. Cramped with too many guitars and drum sets and not enough space. Whatever. However, I did see a Gretsch Catalina Club drum set that caught my eye in more ways than one. I might make that purchase in the coming months. We'll see.
I went home afterwards and proceeded to cleanse myself. yay for bathing.
What happened afterwards is where the fun begins.
I met up with a old high school friend, Justin Ranson at the Short Pump mall and it was there that I met his better half and their 4 week old daughter, Kylie. I can't believe that one of my high school buddies has a child. Crazy. But, Jackie, his fiance, seemed cool. Not what I was expecting, but cool.
Then, I went to the rent's house and we ventured down to the Bottom for what was going to be a splendid evening. We went to the Tobacco Company and when my mother and I sat down, the first thing I saw was my cracked water glass and homeboy was about to pour water into it. I quickly saved myself from a possible waterfall and all was well. I want to take an opportunity to remind everybody that the Tobacco Company is one of Richmond's better restaurants and seeing a cracked water glass was a bit disappointing. On with the show. The conversation at dinner was very adult and mature. I find this happens when it's just my parents and I. That means that my brother was no where to be found and I love the boy to death, but he has a lot of growing up to do. Dinner was delicious and I wish I had more than one crabcake, but all good things must come to an end. Around 9:30 I had meet Katy downstairs and the band was about to start. I said "Bon Soir" to the rents and sat down. I bought a pack of cigarettes for $5. Your thoughts?
The band was too wonderful for words and I just had the best time listening to all the music and especaily the singing. I love live singing whether it be in Church or coffeeshop or Tobacco Company. It's all gravy to me. Around 2, things were winding down and Katy and I ventured back to her car. Now, Katy has a nice car. 2004 1/2 Volvo in Silver. very sleek. No imagine a tropp of pigeons returning from a hearty meal. Now imagine that same troop of pigeons popping a squat all over poor Katy's beautiful car. It was covered in it. I felt so bad for her. She told me that it took her an hour and a half to clean. However it had to be done.
My weekend ruled. How was yours?
See you soon.
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