
Dec 04, 2011 03:05


Name: green


Full Name: Mari verch Llewelyn
Race: Other, supernatural healer
If Other, provide a description of how they differ from humans: Mari can regenerate tissue. Small cuts and grazes are easy; large and complicated wounds exhausting. Each one drains her energy-wise and she requires a full tank before she can even think about dealing with things like stab wounds that pierce organs or anything similar. She can take care of the damage caused by illnesses and poisons, but cannot directly cure them. Starting from now she can heal herself, but cannot heal injuries she acquired prior to gaining the ability (so her right ear remains deaf and she's still got a scar on her hand :|)-/).
Occupation: Neophyte
Faction, if applicable: n/a
Reputation & rumors:


Neophyte, keeps unsavoury company. Makes terrible decisions. Can heal the sick. An experiment of the Magus and a product of Belief.


* At least partially sheep.
* Her Otherness was created by Godric.
* Can heal the sick and the injured with a touch.
* Does not make good decisions.

Age: 18
Birthday: 26/august
Birth Location: south wales
Height: 5'7 AND GROWING
Weight: 110 (feed her please)
PB (Played-By): Lola Dompe

History: Back in The Day, England did the colonial equivalent of taking Wales and giving it a swirly, then taking it out back and beating it so hard it had to go to hospital. AND taking its lunch money on top of that. It is still legal to shoot a Welshman, so long as it's with a crossbow! The English like to have these options still open to them.

As you might imagine, Mari's childhood in the shadow of the Anglo-Welsh tensions was fragile. Her parents had land borrowed from an English landowner, which they used to farm. It was a meagre living. Honestly, she barely noticed - it was the only life she knew. Waking up at dawn, she'd take care of the chickens and help out around the house. During the afternoon, her brother would help to school her. At night, if there was meat the boys would get it - she and her sisters subsisted on a mostly vegetable diet.

Any other child would have wished for adventure, or a change to the daily routine. Mari was less like a normal child. She had very little imagination. Perhaps the only things she could wish for was a steak for dinner, a good looking husband and a dozen strong children. Adventure? There was no world outside of the farm and the small village beyond. Why would she wish for that?

She was closest to one of her brothers. He'd taught her how to read, given her her name. He was slimmer than the rest of them and more of a father to her than their own father was. While their siblings were short, stocky and blonde, the two of them looked like they'd been stretched out and painted in monochrome. It was not unusual to see them, two dark heads examining hand-written pamphlets written by Welsh nationalists. The level of literacy was low, but her brother Owain felt her need to learn how to read and educate herself on their current predicament so important that he even taught her English, though he hated it.

Owain himself was not only certain that Wales needed to become its own country again, but that his father was not his father. When he looked so different to his siblings, how could he be? Mari's similarity to him, from almost the day she was born, was what had led him to love her. It might have been a childish delusion - or it could have been the truth, neither would ever know - but Owain was certain that she was his only full sibling. He'd carried her around under his arm or on his back when she was a baby, ignoring the jibes about his acting a woman from the others, and she'd waddled after him as soon as she could walk. This was normality.

As soon as she could understand, Owain informed her that he had been named after one of the greatest men known to their history and that he'd named her so that their names could match. Mari meant rebellion, Owain was Glyndŵr, the leader of the rebellion. The Welsh should turn on the English and take back their country! Mari didn't really care all that much. England was far away. Who cared who ruled over them? They were so far from anywhere they might as well not have a king, or a queen, or whoever it was on the throne right now. They didn't even speak the same language, or live in the same area. Surely it wasn't that important. But it meant the world to Owain so she nodded along, learned English and read the dry history books he stole from the doddering old vicar in town and let him point out the parts where the Welsh got screwed over. It is important to pretend that you care about the things people you care about care about.

Soon after Mari turned 12, Owain began putting this into action. Their local landowner was an Englishman; how could he claim to own Welsh land? Besides, he was horrible too, known for harsh measures for those who didn't manage to get the rent in on time. Despite the recent integration of Wales under the British crown, there were still many measures against the Welsh and their local landowner believed that these strange Celtic people were lesser than the English. He could be very cruel. Still, he'd never lashed out physically before - not until what Owain did what he did. Owain and a group of boys from the nearest village who agreed with him decided to make their move after a sudden raise in taxes. The landowner's youngest son, a man of sixteen, was riding home alone after a visit to a friend. They pulled him off his horse and whether they got overexcited or had planned to do it from the start, she wouldn't know, but they beat him to death. They ran after they were discovered, retreating to their father Llewelyn's farm.

They'd thought that here, on the edge of his land, the landowner wouldn't find them. They were wrong. Mari had been out to aid the search for a neighbour's lost lamb, and came back that night to her house aflame. A man in armour was dragging one of her brothers out by the hair. Her brain working slowly she'd run towards the house, only to see him raise a knife above his head and plunge it into her struggling brother's throat. The brothers of the boy who'd been killed had come seeking revenge and when her family had refused to give up their strange, dark son, they'd gone for the rest of them.

Instead of running, she'd watched wide-eyed from a distance until she'd felt large hands grab her and drag her into the shrubbery. This was it - she was going to face the same fate her brother had just moments before. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists to prepare herself...only for nothing to happen. Instead, the man who'd dragged her into the bushes told her to run while he distracted the men.

She watched him lead the landowner's sons away. Instead of running, however, she simply lay where she was, petrified. She was too scared to move; all she could do was lie where she was, staring at the bodies of her family in front of her. Even when grief and horror overcame her and she threw up, she couldn't move. Finally, she managed to bring herself to move her muscles, pulling herself so she was next to the bodies.

She woke up to someone shaking her. The man from before, though he looked far more tired. He kept telling her they had to go, yet she'd be happy to just stay here and be killed when the landowner's men came back to clear up anything left, or starve to death. Whatever meant she didn't have to move. He had the advantage of size over her though and managed to swing her up onto his horse. She let him ride off with her, uncomplaining. She didn't even say a word when he threw her into the nearby river (the smell of her was pretty unbearable after a few hours) or force-fed her soup because she refused to eat.

He dragged her behind him, feeling vaguely responsible and afraid she'd just go back to the house and lay down where the corpses had been if he didn't. It was together they found out that Owain and his friends hadn't even been at the house when it was wrecked - they were practising archery in the field, saw the men coming and had run, that her mother had been in the village visiting a sibling and had simply decided to stay - had already found another man, someone tall and dark. Did the death of Llewelyn and his children matter to nobody but her? Maybe that just meant it didn't matter at all. It was the mercenary who was with her when she started to cry, not Owain, not her mother.

They became inseparable. He was Justin, a mercenary with a bone to pick with the landowner, she was his assistant. He was there when she began speaking and eating again, just as she was there when he killed the landowner while he was on one of his hunts and made it look like an accident. They left after that, moving through England (where she got into trouble often) quickly to Ireland (greatest place ever iho) where they moved very slowly to the continent. He was following something in his gut, she realised soon, never checking any maps. As for her, she was following him.

By the time they met up with a small contingent of mercenaries based in Balfour, it'd been four or five years and they were fast friends and rarely out of each other's sights. He teaches her what he can of the hardships of life on the road and how to defend herself and she...she doesn't bring much to the table, but he likes an audience. She worked for a little while as an errand runner for the mercenaries. She got in the food, cooked, did the dishes, cleaned their weapons...it was all very boring. With Justin's permission she joined the Hour as a Neophyte. It meant a bed, food, and learning. About the same life she had had, but a little less boring.

Personality: Do you know the worst human being you have ever met? Mari isn't quite that yet, but she's doing her darndest to get up there.

Watching her family die has left Mari with the certainty that life is short. While others might take from this a sense of the ephemeral beauty of a single rain drop on a flower's petal or assume the fleetingness of life should be celebrated, Mari does not. She says what she thinks and does what she wants, unwilling to have any regrets. This would be cool if she had a brain to mouth filter. As it is, telling the local hard man that his scars only improve his face by covering it does not usually go down well. high int low wis Mari is definitely sharp for a teenager, but she also lacks any common sense. Whether this is due to the normal teenage-y smrtness or indicative of a trend of not using her head, it's hard to tell as of yet it's the latter. Still, she'll mention a surprisingly intelligent fact or come out with a clever viewpoint one second, then try and put the cat's head in her mouth just to see if it'll fit or wave her arm over a candle to see if her shirt is flammable the next.

She has a total lack of imagination. She'll do whatever you ask of her because she can't imagine doing anything else, but her lack of emotional imagination means she has no idea when she's hurting other people unless they make it obvious. If they are, why should what she says matter? People are only as important as the emphasis you place on them in your own head. She tries not to put an importance on anyone. She comes across as generally apathetic and uncaring. Generally speaking there are some things she cares about a lot - not dying is the biggest one, followed by not losing a limb - but most things fall into her list of fleeting in their importance. Swear allegiance to a crown and soon the king will die or the country will be taken over. Pray to a god and they'll change the state religion. There are no constants, so you shouldn't place any greater importance on them than what has to.

Mari is still making sense of an often senseless world and while she is mostly a grumpy asshole, she does have a streak of niceness. She says what she thinks and has no emotional imagination, but she rarely goes out of her way to offend. Usually it just sort of...happens. If she has nothing better to do, she'll often help or spend time with people. Why not? There may be no point in getting close to them, but you can't ignore them. Or this is what she tells herself. The truth is, she does get attached - very attached to people. But that's weakness, she must overcome it.

She can be charming when she wants to be. Or she thinks she can. Her version of "smooth" is rougher than sharkskin. At least she tries. And she does try. With both sexes. Why should she feel weird about that? Boys are strong and handsome, girls are soft and pretty...they both have their charms. Choosing seems stupid.

Though she cultivates an image of not caring, she does have a temper. Though it takes a while to set her off, her teenage hormones lead to a lot of slamming doors and screaming when people push her to her limit. It's difficult to say what starts this. Sometimes she just wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and grumps through the day. Other times, it's teasing or taking her stuff or being asked to do too much. IT'S A MAGICAL GAME. A renaissance version of Russian Roulette. You can tell when she's been set off because she either writes in BIG LETTERS or shouts, when her voice is usually a quiet near monotone. She does, however, have a giant soft spot for animals, and they're not likely to be the victims of her rages. She's always sneaking animals back home or taking care of sick birds. THEY'RE CUTE OKAY SHUT UP. Well except for anything with scales. She's scared of them.

A note: though her diet is still mainly vegetable, she will eat anything placed in front of her. She might not eat much of it, but it will go in her mouth. :9
Personality Keywords: Renafer

Appearance: Mari is tall for her age and getting taller, while remaining very, very skinny. This makes her look as though someone took her head, held down her feet and stretched her out. At the moment her hands are very big, but she'll probably grow into them soon. She's currently coming out of a clumsy phase so bad it's a surprise nobody's been killed. She still drops things or fumbles, or trips. It's FUCKING ANNOYING, in her words. Acne is also a problem - she's prone to getting a few small spots around her mouth and cheeks, especially when she's nervous.

Still, she's growing to be very pretty. Her eyes are a deep blue and she likes to widen them to increase the 'adorable innocent' act. Her thick dark brown hair is kept short and usually tied back, out of her face. Her cheeks are still a little round but she is growing out of that fast. Though she rarely smiles, when she does it lights up her entire face. She is also very pale. The sun is her only natural enemy. That and, you know, reptiles (UGH) and the English (UGH UGH UGH)

Languages Known: Welsh, English, some Gaelic (she did very well in Ireland).
Skills: Grumpiness, dickery. Very fast runner. Can read and write (it's a skill ok), can balance a spoon on her nose (also a skill shut up), okay with a knife though has no experience stabbing people. Good at learning languages.
Strengths: Adapts well, can eat most things, good with animals, physically adorable, intelligent. Can cook! Can sew! Can look after weapons!
Weaknesses: excessively grumpy, excessively dickish, has a temper, unpredictable, believes in nothing, will eat most things, bad with people, far sighted, makes terrible decisions, trusts nobody, no common sense. Total inexplicable fear of reptiles.
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