Title / Prompt: April #2, a chat with the muse
Character: Alastor Moody
Warnings: BIG Deathly Hallows spoilers.
Pairings: Discussion of several
Fandom: Harry Potter
Word count: 682
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: JK Rowling and friends own Moody.
Hey, old man.
Can we talk?
Talking now, aren't we?
*eyeroll* You know what I mean. I really wanted to do that 'fantasy lover' prompt, you know.
As if THAT WOMAN is my idea of-
Look, it also said 'not your usual lover. I know the various versions of you who haven't found Penny yet are having some really nice fantasies, but I can't write you and Penny for a challenge like this.
*sigh* I realize that, but why HER? Why not Minerva or... Gods, I don't know.
Because I've never been all that fond of you and Minerva as a pairing.
And Lillith was your only other option?
Not to put too fine a point on it, but yeah. Let's be real for a second here, Moody. How many women do you know? Aside from Penny and Minerva there's Hermione-
Give me some credit, would you? Would I do that to you?
Damn well better not.
I don't even write Hermione. Or Ginny, or Molly, or really any of the others I can think of.
Can't believe I'm suggesting this, but... Tonks?
Been there, tried that. Besides, there are other people who can write that. Nobody else can write this one but me.
Nobody else would be crazy enough to think it was a good idea.
Y'know, it started almost as a joke. Something about how if you two could ever stop screaming at each other and throwing hexes you could have some fantastic sex.
Are the details truly necessary?
Yes. Because it stopped being a joke, when I actually got a plot idea.
You have plots?
You're not supposed to be picking up on my sarcasm, old man. Yes, I have plots. And this one is haunting me, to be perfectly honest.
No worries, I'm sure it'll haunt me too if you make me-
*eyeroll* Enough. When this thing starts rolling through my head, I can't sleep- don't say it!- and I need to get it out of my head.
What's that your friends are always going on about? Bleach and scrubbing brains with brillo pads?
How droll. I know what's really going on, of course.
You're scared of this one, old man. You're scared that somewhere there's a version of you who could take this and run with it.
Oh, stop glaring at me. You can't scare me, Moody. I've been inside your head too long.
Just out of curiosity, how does SHE feel about this?
Skeptical, but she's willing to give it a shot.
Probably because I'm against it.
Look, I never claimed you guys were normal, okay? I'm just saying- this could work. And I really think that's what you dislike most about it.
...Fine. Fine, I'll do it. But you owe me for this.
I won't promise it'll be the first and last time. If it comes together-
Must you?
We'll see how it goes. But this whole work stoppage thing's got to end. I will go nuts if I don't write something soon.
I won't say it, it's far too obvious.
Thanks, Moody. I appreciate that. So what do you want?
You had that idea once about me and Amelia Bones...
Who would probably end up a hell of a lot like Lillith, because her canon is slim to nonexistent, and I'd have to start somewhere-
Less shouty, though.
Mm. That's true.
I don't suppose I could convince you to write THAT one instead?
Now? That one's angsty, old man. She's dead, you know.
So'm I, girl.
Nuh-uh. No, you're not. Remember me? The 'Alias' fan? Nobody's dead until you see a body, and you're sure it's not getting up again. (And stake it and cut off its head, just to be sure, in some cases, aka LAUREN, but we won't go there.)
As if I'd let scum like Umbridge take my eye if I wasn't-
You let me worry about Umbridge. She's gonna get hers, I can promise you that. *growls* Bitch.
You have what you need now, then?
I suppose so. If not, I know where to find you.