Whu Oh, Dad has teh Sick! ...but I got piccies anyway!!

Feb 11, 2011 21:05

Today, Pa's "puppy senses" were tingling... but when he went into the bedroom, to see if I had gotten into trouble- I had opened my crate allright... but I was laying in bed with DAD... He has Teh Sick. I wanned to comfort him more than him sticking his fingers through my crate side bars, so I let myself out to cuddle a bit.

I was smurgling a sock too, but I had not made any messes, or chewed it up!!

I am being GOOD dawg Cora!!

So the other day, Dad said he would provide Piccies of me at The Dog Spot learning stuff- he only had his cellphone camera, so they're kinda blurry- but you can see the deal anyway, I think.

This is me, and the head Trainer of this class- she is teaching Dad and Pa the BEST GAME EVAR!!!

She has a horse lunge-whip, and on the END of it, is tied a FLUFFY LITTLE TOY!!

Now, you would /think/, "oh noes, they are teaching her to use her prey drive, this is bad!" but do you know, since I have been TAUGHT to use my energies, and taught RULES for it- I have been SUCH A GOOD PUPPY!! I am learning how to play rrrrrough, but then hand the toys over SOFT. To be a polite play companion!

Here's the pictures, behind the cut because they're kinda big!

What's Dat she got thar...??

Oooohhh.... it swings through the air...

It FLIES though the air!!! I CHASE!

Oh so much PRAISE! I learn that I can CHASE and CHASE, and Chomp it when I catch it!! YAY!! oh YAYYYY!!!

Then I learn, when I get REALLY riled up, and I jump too close to my peoples, it goes AWAY! OH Noes, Oh NOES! ...I learn REALLY FAST, that the best way to fix "toy gone and back turned" is to come RIGHT to HEEL and plop my butt down into the sit position. See? Being good again!

OH JOY!!! This means it Game is IN SESSION AGAIN!!!


I decide that I am kind of tired, and will play softly at her feet while Dad and Pa learn the 'rules' of this game, and how it can help me... and they start plotting to buy the lunge whip and a toy for the end of it... Muahahahahaha!! I can get run-run-run play again, in the yard!!! Without jumping on Dad or Pa!!

So as soon as this mythical Payday comes, Dad and Pa will buy the parts, and I will have a brand new game!!!

All they need is a new Lunge Whip from the feed store (easy!) and a tough teefies-proof toy, like my Sprokett only smaller! They will have no trouble finding something I want to chase! I LOVE this game!!

the dog spot, training, piccies

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