Jan 24, 2011 20:51
There has been so much to tell you!!
I have a new Trainer! She is AWESOME.
Dad asked "What is wrong with CORA?? Why is she jumping on me like this? Why is she grabbing my foot and playing tug of war with it? Why is she grabbing my pantleg?"
Da trainer looked at Dad and pointed out, "...because you let her?"
Uhm. Yah.
She was all, "Well LOOK at her! She's having a GREAT time! She thinks this is the best game EVAR!!"
And Dad was all... *PING* as the lightbulb went on over his head.
I mean... YAH, DAD, DUH!!
It are GREAT fun to jump all over you!!
By the way- I turned 10 months old the other day, and I weighed in at 99 pounds at the Vet today...heh heh heh. I guess I SHOULD realize this is not fun for Dad, me playing rough... but *I* think it is GREAT!
So we is off to classes.
Dad and Pa will bring me, and we will work on my play manners. (I think it is funny that it is more classes for Dad and Pa than for ME. Haw Haw Haw... my owners need classes! HAW HAW HAW!!)
So then there was the VET visit today!
I weigh 99 pounds now, by the way. I think I said that, but I am saying it again. Cause I am BIG BIG CORAPANTS! When I dance on my hind legs, I can bounce, and make myself TALLER than DAD!
My feetsies are still good. NO recurring CPV!
My ears are still dirty, but Pa cleans them everyday. So it's okay. I just get them dirty somehow. It are a mystery.
I got WARTS.
(giggle giggle)
Dad and Pa are all: 0.0
And I am all, HAW HAW HAW!!
Nooo? Whyever NOT??
Here: Lookit my warts!!
Dad is about ready to die- between my weird diseases and my boredom and need for more exercise... he is all stressed out.
They need to get a Treadmill, the Vet says- and the Trainer suggested it too, and offered to teach me to use it.
Wat's a 'Treadmill'?
It must be pretty good, Dad says it costs an arm and a leg.
I wunner who's arm and who's leg?
Dad sent off some letters, asking companies if they might be willing to DONATE an electric dog treadmill, or an electric human one... but he might have to get one at a thrift store or off craigslist or something. Even THEN they are expensive!
Wanted: One electric Treadmill.
...and one less exhuberant puppy.
Without Warts.
teenage puppy,
badness level,