Progress Log: 02.21.16

Feb 21, 2016 18:11

After a weekend with Matt and Phillip, some private work.

Today, reading Eloquent Javascript, also, The Organized Mind.

The Organized Mind:     This book is mostly fluff. What I did learn today in the time management chapter was that multitasking is energy-intensive, much more energy-intensive than focusing or daydreaming. We must train ourselves to focus and use our energy in ways that makes sense for the tasks at hand.

Eloquent Javascript:
Chapter 1. Values, Types, and Operators:     Learned about the ternary, or conditional, operator in JS. Short-circuiting of logical operators. Precisely equal and precisely not equal (=== and !==) operators should be used "defensively" in case of automatic type conversion or cases in which a non-meaningful value (NaN, undefined, null) is received.

Chapter 2. Program Structure:     The requirements of when to use semicolons in js are confusing, so just end your statements with them for now. 'var' keyword.

programming, eloquent javascript, the organized mind, javascript, progress log

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