(no subject)

Dec 01, 2011 03:48

I'm pretty sure there is a very special corner of hell waiting for those who have scanned or scanlated too many doujinshi in their lifes - the one where in order to pick up any object you have to say if it has been patented and, if yes, when and by whom. Without googling.
But I probably haven't reached the limit yet, so the party goes on!

Today I want to ramble about that one doujinshi, and I hope it won't be as useless as my doujinshi ramblings usually are. Because Pu-san were amazing as always and summarized it for me briefly, so I can share the general outline of what's happening! \o/

The book consists of three stories, all told from Ivan's POV and much more connected with each other than I originally assumed.

1st - takes place after ep 8. Ivan learns that Edward's sentence was prolonged because his escape, so Kotetsu approaches him asking if he is okay ("Yeah." - "...really?" - "Not really..."). Then they talk a bit about how Ivan has been trying to make a different impression and become stronger lately and Ivan admits it comes more naturally to him when Kotetsu is around. He thanks Kotetsu for all his help, but, as expected, Kotetsu goes all "Oh, it's nothing worth mentioning." So Ivan is just like: "Well, thanks for treating me to juice then." :)

2nd - a story about headpats! Karina, deeply scandalized because Kotetsu has patted her head, is giving him an earful ("I'm not a kid, it's harassment!"), while Antonio, Ivan and Pao Lin are pretty much watching the scene with popcorn from their corner. Pao Lin says she actually likes it when someone pats her head and Ivan nods, "I can get behind that." But, as Antonio is really amused by it, he gets all defensive ("It's not like that, I mean, it's nice when you do it and people enjoy!") Pao Lin demands he pats her head if so and he does; Antonio joins in as well. She remarks how Antonio's hand is even bigger than Kotetsu's. Ivan kind of drifts away thinking that Kotetsu has never patted him on the head, probably because he is neither a kid nor a girl, and... well, his mind goes to some less platonic touching.

3rd - Ivan calls Kotetsu to ask when he should return a film he borrowed. Kotetsu, being in the middle of a night-out with Antonio, invites him to come over and join in. Ivan arrives to the bar and half-drunken shenanigans ensue! Kotetsu proclaims, "It's a bachelor party", but Antonio protests: it's really a stretch to lump Ivan together with the single old men. Kotetsu is like, "Why not, aren't we enjoying this kind of life anyway?" and Antonio answers that he, for one, sure as hell isn't. Ivan then asks them for how long they have known each other and they tell the story: met in high school, had been fighting ever since, then both ended up becoming heroes... Ivan listens and turns it into the possibility to dwell on what he exactly can hope to become for Kotetsu. Well, at least until he drinks himself to sleep.
Meanwhile Kotetsu and Antonio continue to talk among themselves. Antonio is weirdly poetic: "Did our eyes really shine just like that back in the day?" - "Yeah, it brings back memories* when somebody looks at you that way," Kotetsu answers and pats sleeping Ivan's head.

*(I'm not entirely sure about this line - might be "it brings back memories", might be "it makes one feel young again")

The aesop: Kotetsu is like T&B merch: if you want to get a piece of it - forget about sleeping.

This entry will probably be more or less public, so I'm not going to spam it with my ~feelings~ and commentary, just gonna say I expected a lot from a book by Nico.co.co and it met my expectations just fine. Loved the way the story unfolds unfalteringly despite being broken into fragments and despite the fact the focus seemingly shifts away from the main pairing every now and then. And characterization. And the art. Oh, the art....

tiger & bunny, doujinshi chat, doujinshi stuff

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