
Jul 08, 2005 20:30

hello. i just got off work. i didn't get cut until way later than terry usually cuts someone. last night i went to sleep about 4:30 am. someone called me at 8 this morning, they hung so i went back the fuck to sleep. i awoke for a few moments around 1. fell back asleep and woke up at 4:40 pm to a wailing ambulance. aaaggghhh! damn ambulance. although it was a good thing b/c i would have been late to work.
after i pay off everything is paid off here i'm shipping myself nude to s.c. haha j/k...maybe. i'd find out how careless they really are with our shipments. i miss pat sooooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!
i made my beer yesterday. but it's not gonna taste good. i know this for a fact. i forgot the sugar. OOOPPPSSS!!! maybe it'll be alright without it. or maybe i should go ahead and put it in. i think i will and then make some cookies. well i guess i'll go for now.
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