How can we possibly elect an African-American to the presidency and legalize discrimination on the same night?! Have we learned nothing as a nation? I have gay and lesbian friends. If they love each other, they should have the right to marry. I was listening to reaction on the radio yesterday and I had to turn it off because I became so angry at what was being said.
I think there is a lack of understanding when it comes to homosexuality. Homosexuality is not just about sex! Gay and lesbian people do not think about sex any more than heterosexual people. Marriage is not about sex! Marriage is about love and commitment! Every person who called in against gay-marriage feared that their children would be exposed to gay sex in school and in the community! Get a grip people! Love and commitment are beautiful things, no matter who they are between. Discrimination is discrimination, no matter what you are discriminating against. Interracial marriages were once illegal. What is the difference between them and between a gay or lesbian marriage?
Is it the lack of children being produced? By god! Ban childless-by-choice couples from getting married!!
Is it because people feel homosexual couples will "produce" homosexual children? Um, hello!! If that were the case, how do you explain homosexual people being "produced" by heterosexual families.
The only other thing I can think of is that people don't want homosexuality discussed in school. Why not? I am forced to return to the misconception that homosexual couples are over-sexed somehow and that a marriage between two women is somehow more about sex than about love and commitment, which is untrue.
I can't protest in person but I'm really good at finding petitions to sign. :-)
Oddly enough, the one I have found attacks the Mormon church, which, apparently, helped to pass Prop 8 in California.
Articles and blog posts can be found here:
SF Gate, article regarding prop 8 contributorsLA Times article from OctoberBlog entry (with finger gesture) regarding being asked to support prop 8 by the ChurchA Deseret News Article discussing the passing of prop 8And the petition, of course.