Dec 03, 2007 05:13
I fell asleep around 9:30 last night and woke up around 3:30 am. I was secretly hoping to stay asleep until about 4 or 5 tonight so I wouldn't spend the day fretting over the party speech tonight.
We put a flake in charge of organizing it. She emailed all of us late last night: "Hiii, I'm a flake. We won't be having a catered dinner. Instead, can you all pitch in five bucks for pizza? Kthnx. Call me! Also, can you all dress up a little and, can we maybe meet half an hour early to go over the plan?"
Um, yeah, sure. NOT! Dork. I always go to class ten minutes early, no more, no less. I was told I wouldn't have to pitch in for dinner, so no money, honey. And um, yes, I think I always look nice for school. I'm practicing to be a professor after all and so I don't wear shorts or sweats and a t-shirt. HMPH!
I also reworked the speech a bit, but not drastically. It's a good thing I haven't started practicing it yet is all I can say. :-) I guess I'll spend the day doing that.
OMG! Thanks again to my lovely friends for your support of my little anime shoppe. I've had five sales in two days! *squee* Look ma! It's almost like a real business! *giggle*
Oh yes. I've also had a random thought about the new LJ policy. This is in regards to other people flagging my posts as inappropriate. If, as they say, they are not going to notify me that someone has flagged my post, how am I, as a permanently logged in adult over the age of 18 supposed to know? I mean really. I'd have to log out to see if anything had been changed on my own journal. LAME! I won't know there is a problem until the Abuse Gestapo is knocking on my door. Also, if it is true that clicking on an adult content warning takes you straight to the thing that has been hidden, this pretty much causes heading information to be lost. What the fuck was so wrong with the self-policing system we, as fandom, were using before? I'll tell you, Nothing. Equally LAME!
After two hours, I'm sleepy again.