Sep 14, 2008 21:22
I am brushing my teeth around 9:00 these days. Tucking in shortly thereafter, as I have now entered the 9-5 work world. I ride my bike up 18th avenue and each morning I get hit by the same sprinklers. It kind of makes me smile. I work in an environment where it goes from 0-60 faster than any sports car on the market. Friendly breakfast conversations turn into bagels held in the same hand as the car keys as the women rush to the hospital, the police station, the courthouse to advocate for someone whose voice is barely heard by a system that denies it any volume. These women work more hours than I do, for barely more than I make, but they do it because they honestly believe in it. I see it in their eyes as they draw smoke into their lungs like air laced with stress relief on the back porch between crisis line calls. I love already. And then I see them on the weekends and they dance and they smile and they love one another for what they do. I recognize this as a learning period for me, and I feel the experience pouring in faster than I can process. I am growing and I feel the pains in my bones, little tweaks that direct me. I am learning that the big word R-E-S-P-E-C-T is so much more than a song played during high school girls basketball warm-ups. I am being shown what I want to do, where I want to go, who I want to surround myself with, what I want in someone. The big things ya know? I had some ink done. Words that mean something different to me each time I read them, apply in different ways every time I look in the mirror, but are also just words that fit together. Interpret at will, I suppose. I am surrounded by incredible people of all different walks of my life and they make me happy. I am learning to be okay with the way things progress, as they do in their own time. I am co-hosting a dance radio show with one of my best friends as DJ Milk Money or as we write it- Milk$$$. There is more just around the corner, I can feel it. But let it come when it does. I am ready. Until then......