Sep 28, 2005 12:30
yes, i think i am a lonely joe who is out there that people laugh at because i am usually by myself these days. ok, so i'm just lonely and no one ever laughs at me and i dare not do anything in public alone, usually. but you get the point i'm sure. like yesterday, i begged and begged people to come get lunch and not one person would go. they came up with other random excuses to not go. clean the house my ass! so i had to PAY for my mom to have lunch with me. That sucked. Whatcha gonna do. I feel, as I was looking on my facebook, that i have more friends everywhere else than here. that sucks. if i would have went to nku or something i think i wouldn't be having this lonliness problem. i have friends, a lot of them, but i never see them or we just don't do anything anymore. ugh. i think it's stems too that something is up with my best friend becuase inevitably he is the only one that i care if we hang out or talk or anything at all out of almost anyone else. we drank over here saturday night and he left sunday morning. hadn't heard from him since. now usually since he has lost his cell phone, we are ghetto and e-mail eachother usually more than once a day to talk or make plans or something to that effect. nothing. i've sent him 2 on sunday, 3 monday, and 2 yesterday. still no real response. he's a kid that does check it all the time too. so what the fuck? I did get something from him monday night saying: "i'm sick, going to bed, have to be up early, cu." and that was it. is he mad at me? it's driving me nuts!! i dont know what to think or figure out is going on when he won't flippin talk to me. i don't know, i'll stop and wait to see when he talks to me, if and when that will be. people are odd.
i totally and completely bombed my Hindu Traditions test. Yes, HINDU. why am i in such a class... religion requirement. why can't i pass these fuckin religions classes, don't know. it's crazy. i have a quiz in astronomy tonight that i am not ready for, but whatever, don't care. these classes are useless and i hate them. blah! and night classes - never take those fuckers kids! They are baaaaad!!!! 3 hours of north african lecture, ick, talking about astronomy. double ick. going to nap now - then clean car - go to target - then quite possibly study!