Not Everyone Is Wrong About Him

Mar 11, 2023 18:39

Sometimes I like Matt Walsh. Or a lot. Typically I don't like Walsh. Because like many Conservatives and "Conservatives" (their religion is Christian so they think that's how you define a Conservative) , Matt Walsh will ask the question and expect it answered for them (what is a woman) without providing any meaningful discourse on the matter. Without, including, any intention to think about and consider the matter.

Conservative Wants Books BURNED | Matt Walsh vs the GayBC's - YouTube

Matt Walsh is not very smart and insane, because well, he doesn't like women and how they're made up. Nor trans women on the very notion of having such physical condition. So what is a woman? Sure, it needed to be asked and some of that documentary was meaningful. I'm sure you can tell how easily he loses interest and just says things, such as a crazy man does, in a public or mostly private sphere. If I'm a trans Conservative who supports Matt Walsh, and I am, I'm not afraid to identify and put forward what he lacks. Jordan Peterson can get across seeming contradictions apart from his or other's accepted perceptions. So can Ben Shapiro, although he's been doing what he does longer. When Matt Walsh tries to be political he's more than a little impulsive, erratic and defensive. You can tell he wasn't sure about being a commentator in politics and it shows. He favours his religion and supposedly what God pointed out, and by the time he gets on that area, there's no stopping him it seems.

He doesn't like these LGBT kids books because they try to teach kids about things so they can understand them. His kind are teaching kids amazingly and vastly biased ideas about heterosexuality (and cis sexuality) but that they also have to accept that fully coming from them. And this is them at face value. The book only teaches them terms, largely, because this is not an all-encompassing book and I'm sure it wont need to get that into everything heterosexual (I would imagine). For one thing, a book can't claim to be brainwashing people, but people will do so, on the basis of heterosexuality and normal gendered topics every day.
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