Nov 21, 2006 17:39
i gave blood today! yay!
totally spur of the moment thing. lol but i'm very thankful that i got the chance.
here's the story,
so i was writing an in-class essay in bible today, so i was writing along, and doing my writing thing, you know. writing. and then some kids from the first blood bus came into class and i was like, "ho...i should donate my blood". so i looked at pam and whispered "can i come on the next bus?" and she's like "you want to?" and i said "of course!" so she said "talk to me after" so i waited and talked to her, and she said i had to talk to mrs. boese,
so that is just what i did. i ran down to room whatever room it was, on the first level then i asked mrs boese and she said i had to talk to mr knelsen, so i ran up and tlaked to him, and finally after all this running, i got allowed to go to the blood clinic. so i went outside to the blood bus and got on it, and drove right down to the blood clinic.
i almost peed my pants, but i thought it was pretty cool
so i am one ... pint? not ounce, that's a little. maybe a litre? i think it's a litre. well i have a litre less blood in me then i did 2 hours ago. and i get to save a life, baby! you should all donate.
i can't wait for christmas