Oct 31, 2006 16:09
I had a feeling it wouldnt be long before one of these morons in the democratic leadership put a foot in their mouth.
The October Surprise is ' John Kerry sticks his foot in his mouth' . The headlines all over every news website online is that Kerry said if you dont go to school and study hard you get 'stuck in Iraq'. He made the statement to students at a rally for California Democratic Gubernatorial candidate State Treasurer Phil Angelides (who is way behind Schwarzenegger in the polls). It seems with his remarks he's implying that our troops in Iraq are stupid. This is the October Surprise that should make Karl Rove giggle. Kerry refused to apologize for his remarks. I think the strategy now is to press Democratic candidates for Congress across the board if they agree with Kerry's comments. If they say they dont the Republicans should run ads anyways that say the Democrats running agree with that line of thinking. Question their sincerity.