So, instead of studying, I've spent the last few hours ... not. I've watched a lot of South Park, which is just generally sad and a waste of time, let alone choosing to give to it important time that could be better spent on higher things. Then I watched a documentary on obesity. That was ... awesome, and I learnt nothing? Fascinating in the way that ... something very tragic and gross is fascinating. A pile of mutilated puppies? Ah, poor humour, a refuge to the stressed and not witty under normal circumstances.
I have made steps! I have ... mocked my class twice for being scarily like high school (do you have to mention Wikipedia is a bad source for information? Really? Can't we just let natural selection run its course?), and picked the six terms I will eventually work on.
You know, if I'd started on time, I'd be done by now. Ha-HA. Yeah.
Oh, god, I'm running out of things to say. I might actually have to do work! Can't I eat cookies instead? They are oh-so delicious ...
My prof spent most of this term talking about Han Wudi, and all I can remember of him is that he made Confucianism the state religion. God, this is going to need an LJ cut. Maybe Wudi was assassinated. He'd be more interesting to write about?
One of these guys in the obesity documentary honestly insisted that he didn't eat any more than a normal person. Really. I don't know what to take from this - denial is a powerful force?
Han Wudi was the first emperor of the Han dynasty, Liz! It's in his freaking name! He came from - no, wasn't that someone else? Ah, crap. He wasn't the first at all, why am I going nuts? Time to actually open my text, I guess.
(P.S. This kitten does not accurately depict my stress. You've let me down, LJ.)