k let's do this mgs style

Nov 02, 2009 11:13

Characters; inherent_sin & ANYONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO TRAIN
Setting/Location; Verity / Training Grounds (woods)
Date & Time; Day 4 / ~9 AM
Briefing; TRAINING TIME FOR THE FIRST BRIGADE! IT'S FOGGY SO WE'RE GONNA PLAY SOME HIDE AND SEEK ALL OVER THE CAMPGROUNDS (Note: You're expected to team up in pairs for this exercise. Post separately ( Read more... )

big boss, *country: verity

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trainsucks November 2 2009, 23:58:56 UTC
Eve was early as well but found herself training in her regular fashion. The fog was an irritable thing and served to be a useful hindrance at the best. Then again, she wasn't one to complain about something so petty. By the time she reached the meeting place Jack had just begun speaking. Well, it wasn't as if she was late so there was nothing to worry about. Usually she would have been punctual but she had been caught up in her own business.

So, this was all just a game with partners. No, she didn't like this at all. It felt like one of those let's get to know each other exercises and she didn't like that one bit. Her red eyes flickered over to Jack momentarily with a look that said thanks for making the next two hours of my life a living hell. No, she wasn't hopeful about this at all. Teamwork still wasn't her thing...

On the bright side, if there was one, she might get to dislocate someone's arm.


inherent_sin November 3 2009, 11:22:48 UTC
Jack wasn't really in the mood to pay any angry glares he might have gotten too much attention. He was well aware that teamwork wasn't everyone's thing -- but he really put emphasis on it. Working together was important, and a partner could save your life out there on the field when things got rough. Besides, you couldn't play hide and seek on your own, could you?

For the sake of everyone else though, he thought it was the best decision to keep Eve busy. He was already hurt and he doubted she'd do anything to make it worse...and even if she did, it wouldn't matter to him. Barely a day passed where he didn't get hurt in some way, he was used to it.

"So," he said to the shorter girl, after having made his way over to her, "Up for it or would you rather follow your own schedule?"


trainsucks November 8 2009, 01:13:27 UTC
Well, the fact that he would let Eve do her own thing was rather tempting, but she had come here so she might as well make use of it. The girl frowned as she pulled her knee length blonde hair into a pony tail. "Might as well. As long as it isn't a game of tag." She grumbled a bit.

Games were simply bad memories and that's as in detail as she really would ever want to go in front of all these dunces. "Age before beauty." Her smile was halfway to a smirk. Why yes Snake, she just called you old, and she rather likes it.


inherent_sin November 8 2009, 18:38:26 UTC
Big Boss just knitted a brow and gave one of his characteristic grunt-grumble-growls, placing a hand on his hip, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "I'm still injured, you know." Not like that would stop him -- hardly anything did, be it broken bones, his age, or certain clones.

"Fine. Turn around, close your eyes and count till 180."


trainsucks November 9 2009, 00:16:26 UTC
"Man up, I'm not going to dislocate your arms and legs." She shrugged and frowned, not trusting him one bit. "It isn't very logical to turn your back on the enemy." In fact, it made her twitch a little on the inside. God, how she hated this, but in a rather mechanical manner she turned around and closed her eyes.

"One step closer to me and I gut you. I'm counting in my head." Her voice was gruff as she began to count to herself silently. Oh boy, did she feel retarded.


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