Characters; Minatsuki Takami (
maiming) and anyone
Setting/Location; Verity, by the showers/spa.
Date & Time; Day 2, evening.
Warnings; General inner-thoughts swearing and vulgarity on Mina's part.
Briefing; The sweet little flower girl is wandering off to some possibly haunted showers. Help.
Minatsuki was getting pretty goddamn sick of this place.
Her footsteps fell hard on the ground, scuffing up grass and soil against the smooth patent surface of her little flower-adorned shoes. Her childish stomping was sure to attract some attention, but it wasn't like she couldn't just turn around, flash a little smile, and stammer out, 'W-well, I'm just h-having a bad, umm, day.' And then whoever it was, their eyebrows would turn down and a sympathetic little look would appear on their face because everyone here but for a couple of the people she'd talked to were pathetic, useless sacks of meat with no spines at all.
HAH, and these shitheads are supposed to be fighting a war?! she thought with disgust. There was something exquisitely beautiful in a sick way, though, in the way that she'd been assigned to be a fucking flower girl here. It had taken all of her willpower not to burst out laughing and give herself away when she'd learned of it. Fucking fantastic! She still had to be here, but at least she wasn't acting like someone else's weapon. Don't make me puke! As if she'd ever fight someone else's war.
Good for them, she thought. Puts off the day I slit their fucking throats a little bit longer~
For now, she was just playing the part, acting the role of an innocent young girl as she learned everything she could about this place and the people who were here. The more information she had, the sooner she could figure out a way to get out of this joke of a nightmare.
She approached the showers, pink bag in hand, and heard a faint sound. Immediately the annoyed look on her face faded, replaced by a shy, timid look as her knees knocked together and she peered into the building. "H-hello?" she called.
Several seconds passed, and there was no answer. Her eyes narrowed for a moment before she just shook it off and went inside.