I'm never gonna catch my breath, say goodbye to those who knew me.

Oct 20, 2009 22:06

Characters; Weiss, open to second brigade.
Setting/Location; Training grounds.
Date & Time; Day 2; 9:00 am.
Warnings; Violence, but otherwise, none.
Briefing; Training session.

For the most part, Weiss took his time getting to the training grounds. From the sound of it, most of the soldiers had started making there way over willingly, or else were already there. So far, it didn't sound as though following orders would be too much of a problem, at least not initially. Any wrinkles in their ability to listen could be smoothed out later; for now, they were on the right track.

For today, Weiss intended to turn his focus onto the abilities of his soldiers. If he wanted to know how best to use them in battle, a good starting place would be to find out what each of them were capable of, finding their strengths and weaknesses.

Arriving at the grounds, he scanned the area, looking from the soldiers who were already there, to the ones who were just arriving. When they had all congregated, he gave a nod to Cloud, then turned to face them. Then, he spoke in a firm tone, explaining what they would be doing that day.

"Pair up," he started, giving a brief glance around before continuing. "Today, we will be sparring, seeing where you excel, and where you lack. By learning each flaw and weakness, we can better make up for it through teamwork. If you have any questions, bring them to me. Otherwise, begin."

(( OOC: So, since we're pairing up and sparring, what we can do is split off into individual threads. That way we can thread individually and won't have to wait for everyone to get through a spar?

Also, if everyone has a partner, Weiss will probably mostly be observing; However, if someone needs a partner (or just wants to challenge him in general) feel free to go for it. I don't mind either waaaay. ♥ Hope that makes sense?

Also yes I do enjoy Mulan. ))

zero, weiss, kagura, cloud strife, kiba inuzuka, abel, sho minamimoto, *country: ex favila, chie satonaka

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