illegimate desires - Queer desires, object desires
Agnotology- the study of culturally-induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data.
How are the many ways in which knowledge gets produced or fails to be produced? Which knowledge is not produced and spread? And Why?
The politics of queer biocitizenship > Who is a ful citizen on medical, legal and social levels - biomedical citizenship within contexts of heteronormative medical assumptions (pap smears for anal cancer, hpv vaccine for men)
"good citizenship amonst the homosexuals" - who is a citizen? sociocitizenship > homonormativity Law on the books vs law on the streeks
Laws created by the law that are meant to protect but so situational that when it comes time to prosecute its hard to prove that it breaks that law (ie-hate crimes, human trafficking laws)
What is a rights-based intervention (from the colonizer west onto the colonized third world subject) supposed to work? - multiple layers - rescue is not the only level in this victim discourse
"state of affairs"
its required of public (and public arena) to be publicly hypocritical - say things that just aren't true and you might not even believe it but its the dominant narrative
-upholding a set of moral sexual standards, public image obligation to religion
incommensurability of bodies > male bodies, female bodies, male desire, female desire, male tissue, female tissue
In thinking about gendered bodies being incommensurable bodies in the mutually exclusive binary of gender, then females would have female bodies and female desires and males would have male bodies and male desires. What about both male and female desires in one body? Both bodies in one body. Does and can those desires happen, or be acknowledged by others? What does the acknowledgement of others or a dominant narrative actually mean for my desires? How does the importance and upholding of normality stop this existence, this body, that intersects male and female? And how does my whiteness influence not only my enacted gender nonconformity but also my perceived my gender nonconformity and desires? How does my whiteness and gender interact to create or not fully create a detriment to my white privilege and potential upward class mobility due to that privilege?
Said again:
and i started thinking about incommensurability of bodies - of male and female (in our desires, body construct) and thinking about my born female body that crosses the lines of such an idea about a binary exclusive gender system and a system of exclusive desires.. in thinking about my body as the intersections of male and female in body construct and desire. i guess it just made me wonder, if the incommensurability of bodies includes an audience or a third party that decided in the first place that they are mutually exclusive - how do those narratives affect my creation of a self and of a body and then the outward validity or even acknowledgement of such from that third dominant narrative/person. so how does the importance and upholding of normality stop the entire existence of my body in dominant space and time. and then also how does my whiteness play a role in not only the acknowledgement of my gender non conformity. but then how does my gender nonconformity in turn dent or just affect in general my white privilege and potential upward class mobility due to that privilege. lately, i've struggled a lot thinking about how to respect and understand my gender and transphobia that i exist in a context of white privelage - like understanding the intersectings of privelage with non privelage specifially with whiteness as on of my privelages
what are the usefulness of categories? It's like speaking in and upholding the origins of stereotypes and oppression rooted in categories - well at this point you can't really reject them (for example, color-blindness - "i dont see color") so what does that mean for breaking down oppression while "celebrating" categories (?)
someone mentioned class and race as forced intersections yet that we do not periceve for example class and sexuality as - huh?? lol
"finding and sustaining hope" > american political hope > white suburban nostalgia
is political hope a good thing?
-it based on normative perceptions of the future I "ought" to want
-conformity - the normative - conform excessively >> enforce domination and call it freedom
exploitation (while that is huge and the root of) isn't the only a problem because of capitalism but at the root of that exploitation is the obsessiveness with labor and work as the dominant condition of life
Dissident Bodies
good hope vs bad hope
neo-colonialism > democracy instead of christianity
bodies in transition
human vs animal debate > what does it cost to be a human? (trans)
trans are threatening in a world where we essentialize, polarize and dichotomize gender - emi koyama
have human relations (re)become property relations? or just remained such?
"unthinking sex"
autobiography of an androgyne
understanding gender oppression as not just subordinate female and powerful male but of gender transgression vs gender conformists
"mixed up biological sex" (spoke to the intersections of the language of understanding the treatment of mixed race and poc and gender non conforming, trans and intersex)