Rain is cleansing, rain is chilling. (Soi Fong, Bleach)

Nov 15, 2005 11:29

I was looking for nice quotes or haiku about rain for the below animated GIF banner from Bleach.

"Night; and once again,
the while I wait for you, cold wind
turns into rain."
--Shiki Masaoka

And then I ended up trying to write a couple haiku...both of them reference Yoruichi from Soi Fong's POV.

Still too little rain
to wash away the silk hair
underneath my palm

Downpour is too soft
to sweep away the old vines
clinging to my skin

Which somehow led to the following drabble...

Title: Just Yoruichi
Characters: Soi Fong, Yoruichi
From: Bleach by Kubo Tite
Rating: PG
Up to: Episode 57, chapter 159
Notes: Slashes imply Yoruichi's /thoughts/

Yoruichi was sitting cross-legged, gazing out over the destruction her battle with Soi Fong had caused to the forest. Her fingertips traced the butterfly marking on the left side of her face.

When Soi Fong had collapsed, Yoruichi had wanted to run to her and wrap her arms around her, to drive away all of the sadness and pain and rage. She had no right to try to comfort the pain she had caused.

She heard a rustling behind her as Soi Fong rose from the spot she had fallen to her knees. Soft footsteps reached her ears, and more movement. Yoruichi's hand fell to rest on her leg, and a faint smile touched her face as the footsteps came to a halt beside her.

"Glad to see me weak again?" Soi Fong's voice was rough and harsh.

Yoruichi frowned, smile fading. She glanced up at Soi Fong, who was now looking at the same landscape she had been watching. Soi Fong's captain's jacket was bunched in her right hand, wrapped around the sheath of her now de-transformed sword.

"No," Yoruichi said quietly. "Sorrow isn't weak, Soi Fong."

Soi Fong was silent, unmoving.

/I'm sorry./ was on the tip of Yoruichi's tongue. She swallowed. She had no right to ask forgiveness. "...I meant it, when I said you've become strong."


"You might have had me at the beginning, but you never went for the same spot twice." Yoruichi tapped her fingers against her knee. "I almost think you were only trying to mark me with as many butterflies as possible."

Soi Fong finally turned her head to look at Yoruichi. "That's ridiculous," she said. Yoruichi bit down a smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"So it is." Yoruichi changed her expression before Soi Fong could look away again; kitten eyes, slightly raised eyebrows, small pout. Soi Fong's stern expression softened.

/Some things never change./

Yoruichi allowed the smile to creep onto her face. "I am glad, though...glad to see you again."

Soi Fong's lips twitched.

Yoruichi's smile widened into a feline grin. "Also..., even though you were screaming at the time... I'm happy you called me Yoruichi."

/Just Yoruichi./


I never did decide what to put on the banner.

bleach, fanfic

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