One Hundred Percent of Lottery Winners Gain Weight

Jun 02, 2009 02:38

Supposedly, everyone that wins a lottery jackpot will put on some pounds. If you stop and think about it for a second, it makes sense. The sense of relief that would accompany such a windfall. No more mortgage or credit card debt. You can quit your job. Why would anyone worry about something as trivial as gaining a little weight? This is America, where money is a substitute for any shortcoming.

I didn't win the lottery, though a share a bit of schema or two with someone who had. I don't go to work at the moment. I do get checks in the mail regularly. I can go to the beach all day if I want. However, as much as this lifestyle may resemble the lottery winner's ideal, I am in fact unemployed. So, instead of gaining weight, I lost some. Coming up on forty pounds. I opt to spend a good deal of this new found free time on exercise. This begs the question. With such similar lifestyles, why does the lottery winner binge while I as an unemployed person opt to shape up?

I think it has something to do with a sense of security. A lottery winner presumes they won't need to worry about any financial problem ever again. Add to that the lottery winner's self esteem is probably off the charts shortly after the bonanza. An unemployed person has nothing but financial considerations to worry about. Also transversely, the unemployed person feels like a worthless piece of garbage that is nothing but a drain on society. So, the unemployed person grasps for elements of control, a microcosm where they can succeed where they are currently failing at life in general.

There's something a little depressing about the cake eating lottery winners though. I mean, is that really what we'd have to look forward to in the event we miraculously found ourselves in a position where we didn't need to worry about practically everything all of the time, a life where we dragged our chubby butts out onto idyllic white sand beaches in far of locals to feast liberally on Beluga Caviar? Why wouldn't a lottery win inspire one to take on new, healthy challenges to replace the stressful and often draining challenges of everyday life?

So, perhaps people in my position and stations in life like it should take heed. In these times, we possess the best of our real fecundity and drive. If a man or woman cannot find it in themselves to pursue ambitious goals, whatever they may be, then that man or woman has already stopped living in a number of fundamental ways.
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