Title: RE
Circle: Rulette (artist's website
Rating: G! I think, anyway? I doubt it could get more worksafe.
A couple of months ago
JPQueen announced that they were closing temporarily, and I made a run through what was left of their stock to see if there was anything worth grabbing, and this one caught my eye because the cover design was so unusual.
It's a collection of short comics, mostly dealing with Conrad and Conrad + Yuuri, all very sweet and artistic, with a couple of pages of text and guest comics. I'm just going to post the cover and the first story, not the entire doujinshi (because it's ninety-something pages, for god's sake), but I have scanned the whole book and uploaded it as a zip file!
(Not scanlated/translated, I'm afraid, since I fail at Japanese. If anyone wants to take it on, feel free.)
And links for the zip:
Do let me know if there are any problems with images or downloads--both Imageshack and Mediafire have been wonky for me lately.
update!: In case any late browsers happen to be looking at this entry, as of 12/12/09,
otakupink has done a wonderful scanlation of the first story.
Check it out! And thanks to
mightymaeve for letting me know about it! (edit 4/19/12:
otakupink's download links are no longer working, and I don't know if they're still around to update them, so I've uploaded their scanlation
update the second!:
nuvamana is awesome and has kindly translated one of the shorts in the comments to this post!