Your waifus... shall be mine?

Aug 18, 2024 23:34

A year and eight days ago, I did my first roll in Mudae.

Let me see if I can describe this...

Mudae is a "Discord-baseed entertainment bot," and one of its most popular functions is "rolling" and claiming for characters. You type a command, then the bot returns a character from a pool of more than 100,000 characters. If you like the character, you react to that character, and the character becomes part of your harem.

There are a couple of... mechanics that make the game "interesting:"
  • You can only roll a default of 10 times per hour
  • You can only claim a default of one character every 3 hours
  • You only have about 30-60 seconds to react to that character, otherwise it expires
  • Other people can react and claim the characters you have rolled
There are a couple of ways to increase the chances you will roll the character you want, such as using roll commands that will only generate waifus, only husbandos, and you can also use the roll commands to say if you only want characters from anime, manga and cartoons, or only from games, disabling rolling Western characters, etc. etc.

There is also an in-game resource called kakera. You can use this to get upgrades, such as improvements to your kakera generation, increases in the likelihood to roll characters in your "wishlist", have more rolls per hour,. You can also trade characters with other users, so one strategy would be: If you do not roll characters that you like, you may choose to claim characters that other people may like, and use them for trading.

I have been... so engrossed with Mudae. I have, probably not jokingly, tied my life to the timers of Mudae.

I have an Excel file with at least 10 worksheets, containing notes for me to strategize about upgrades, timings, character "notes" and much more. I have a set of Excel formulas that allow me to neatly "sort" my waifus in my harem list. I have a repeating reminder that is set every time I have enough "power" to claim ("react" to) kakera. I have thought of strategies on how to approach the game, such as changing my upgrade path from kakera-generating upgrades, to upgrades that increase my chances to roll the characters I want, because I decided to play the long game and the characters I want will eventually roll anyway. I had some graphs on how much kakera I earned per day.

Within the 2nd day in my Mudae life I had rolled Mirai Kuriyama, which was of course in my wishlist. I failed to claim it partly because of a glitch and partly because of a skill issue, and so Ken claimed it temporarily, and will trade for me in the future. About 5 days later, Ken rolled Yor Forger, which was in Ken's wishlist. He had already (accidentally) claimed in that claim reset, I claimed Yor, and we traded for Mirai.

Combine my desperation for trying to claim something that I can trade for Mirai, and the fact that this was the time that I was heavily discouraged by work... that five days of not getting Mirai was... unironically, perhaps without exaggeration, the most pathetic I have been in my entire life.

One year and eight days later, I am still rolling. And still pathetic. I would say I am still engrossed with Mudae, but it is not as bad compared to before. I still use that Excel file, I still use a reminder. There will be instances where I would forget to roll (and even forget to claim despite rolling), but it doesn't bother me as much.

Here are a couple of dates, for the sake of... marking some milestones.

  • August 10 - First roll, using WA (rolling waifus only within anime and manga, and filtered out Western characters)
  • August 11 - Ken rolled and claimed Mirai Kuriyama
  • August 15 - I rolled Yor Forger, and traded her for Mirai
  • November 17 - Bought max badges (upgrades)
  • November 22 - Started rolling with WX (rolling waifus only, but both within anime and manga, and games)
  • January 04 - Started rolling with MA (rolling both waifus and husbandos, within anime and manga)
  • March 16 - Started rolling with HX (rolling husbandos, both within anime and manga, and games)
  • April 04 - Started rolling with MX (rolling ALL characters, and no filter for western characters)
  • June 08 - Completed building the first Tower (each specific tower level has an upgrade)
Changing roll types means that I have claimed most of the characters I want in that roll type. For example, switching from WA to WX means that I have claimed most of the anime/manga waifus, and switched to rolling both anime/manga waifus and gamer waifus.)

gamer, alfa

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