I think I've finally moved on... from the events of the previous quarter's anime

Jul 09, 2024 00:45

STATS - 2024-Q2

Anime Watched:

Hyperactive:Retroactive:Personal Best Girl of the Quarter: Kumiko Oumae, from Hibike Euphonium. It is actually Natsuki Nakagawa who I like the most in Hibike, but I like Kumiko as a character, and, as president of the Wind Ensemble Club, I admire her dedication and conviction to uphold the goals of the club despite despite her struggling through many trials and tribulations.

I would like a special mention to Bocchi The Camper Nadeshiko Kagamihara for being an absolute adorable cutie pie. Yuru Camp could have been a part of the Hyperactive anime since S03 was also airing last quarter, but I decided to deliberately not watch it just to give myself time to "breathe" from retroactively watching two seasons and the movie, and to not overwhelm myself as I was watching six hyperactive anime already.

I realize that I do not place a picture of my Personal Best Girl of the Quarter, so I should start doing that now. So... here you go.

Kumiko Oumae the Euphonic Floofball

Nadeshiko Kagamihara (just look at her smile she looks so adorable omg my heart)

Currently Watching:Currently Reading (yes, there is now manga involved!):Planning to watch:Games Played:
  • Destiny 2
  • War Thunder
  • Apex Legends
  • Elden Ring
  • Helldivers
  • League of Legends
(Are these really the only games I played in the last quarter?)

Wimpy/Self-Imprisonment Modifications:
  • None, but maybe soon to come Borrowed Roel's PSU and currently using it as part of troubleshooting. I had issues with booting up, and I'm trying to see if the PSU is the issue. Hopefully it is, and not the motherboard
Last Game Played: Destiny 2
Last Anime Watched: Bocchi The Rock!!

gamer, alfa

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