STATS - 2023-Q1
Anime Watched:
Currently Watching:
Games Played:
- Apex Legends
- Destiny 2
- Reactive Drop
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
- Deep Rock Galactic
- Nightmare Reaper
- TitanFall 2
- Elden Ring
- Synthetik
- Battletech
- Warhammer: Vermintide
- Human: Fall Flat
- SCP: 5K
Wimpy/Self-Imprisonment Modifications:
- A second monitor! Bought Roel's old Dell 24-inch IPS HD Monitor. I'm so glad it has both a DisplayPort and a DVI port because that makes switching between inputs (Wimpy, and my company-issued laptop)
- A small table that I placed under Wimpy, so I can put my company-issued laptop above Wimpy, to save on horizontal space
Last Game Played: Destiny 2
Last Anime Watched: Mushoku Tensei