Just like in the movies!

Apr 06, 2016 22:26

GENERATION: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

MODE: Reality

HUMANITY: None. I think Chelseah was there?

MATTER: I was in the elevator of the old building of Hydra Centre. Or at least, in my head, it was the old building of Hydra Centre, but from the elevator I could see the outside.

Then suddenly... the elevator tilted. And it was upside-down. I start to adjust my feet and hold on to handrails to brace for impact.

The next thing I knew, I... survived! I went away from the building, and when I looked up, I saw that the upper portion of the building was destroyed, and... it was starting to bend and fall down! I started to run to an area which I predict will not be slammed by the falling portion.

I suppose I... survived again. The next thing I remember was that I checked the basement parking portion of the building. It was only one floor. (But it doesn't make sense - only the upper portion fell.)

As to where Chelseah enters the picture, well... I think I was pulling her out of danger when the upper portion of the building was starting to fall.

SYNAPSE: I'm not so sure, to be honest.

vita-sigma-alfa, lamtha-sigma

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