Case 1: Springs
(Make the best out of the quality and angle and lighting and...)
For Filipino, my groupmates and I reported on Dr. Garcia's other class, so that they can evaluate our performance.
On the same day, 5 hours after we reported, there was also another class of Dr. Garcia's that was to report to our class. Before anything began, sir told me "Someone in the class said that the bounce of your hair is nice."
I reacted "What the hell!... Who said that?!" There were some people in that class whom I knew, most of them being my classmates in my Genders class.
Case 2: Strings
(Oh this could be better with a before/after picture...)
Sometimes this/last week, I saw my daughter. She was wearing a pink shirt, and had a light blue handbag with her.
...I guess this isn't just any Marianne. This is Marianne with a boyfriend. Oh, the magic that relationships have.