Laughing out loud in public.

Dec 03, 2002 22:48

My mother was the necessity of my invention. [You do not do, you do not do.]
Time machine suicide.

This is the age of war on the brain. [Scraped flat by the roller of wars, wars, wars.]
War is a mindset. Give war a chance.
We hate and we're scared. Jump at your own shadow and pump 15 rounds into it.

Working in a harshly lit, chemical-scented box. Scurrying around and popping pills to kill the pain of your lifestyle. (And, oh, how I wish I were you.)

I've never really understood paragraphs. May the grammar gods strike me down (if the fourth wall gods don't get to me first.)

I've been listening to music and snipping pieces out and storing them inside my head. I'm making a patchwork song. It'll be a song for the ages. Your children's children's children will speak of this song in reverential tones.
As long as I don't lose my mind I should be fine.

I have homework to do. Not doing it. S'hard, I tells ya'. [So we're back to half-intentional failures, are we? Well, we'll see about that.]
Get out the strop, boy! (Not me tonight, Pa)

Clearing out the clutter. Sweeping out the random dust rhinos (bunnies!). Needs more work.

Day after day. I get angry.
Why can't I get just one fuck? Huh?

This is the age of investigation and every citizen must investigate.
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