Sun Ce didn't think he was going to like Edgeworth, because Edgeworth falls into the category of "people who tell me what to do", and authority figures have a habit of making Sun Ce sick and damned tired of them in short order.
That conversation they had when Sun Ce first came aboard really set Edgeworth down in Ce's books as a decent guy, and someone worth listening to. Back then, Edgeworth interrogated him and chastised him, but he really felt like Edgeworth was doing it for his own good, not to tear him down. It was kind of like having Zhou Yu around, really--Ce recognizes that he needs someone to push the side of reality he doesn't like at him now and then, and Edgeworth did that for him. Ce felt kind of uncomfortable and pressured during the conversation, but he respects someone who talks straight to him, even when he doesn't agree on all points.
He respects Edgeworth's ability to get things done in a crisis after the Spider Incident... Honestly, he's more fond of Edgeworth at this point than of any of his other superiors. He likes him. Edgeworth might be foppish and come off as a self-obsessed rules Nazi, but he's in Ce's books right now as a competent leader who cares for his crew, and that's plenty for him.
That conversation they had when Sun Ce first came aboard really set Edgeworth down in Ce's books as a decent guy, and someone worth listening to. Back then, Edgeworth interrogated him and chastised him, but he really felt like Edgeworth was doing it for his own good, not to tear him down. It was kind of like having Zhou Yu around, really--Ce recognizes that he needs someone to push the side of reality he doesn't like at him now and then, and Edgeworth did that for him. Ce felt kind of uncomfortable and pressured during the conversation, but he respects someone who talks straight to him, even when he doesn't agree on all points.
He respects Edgeworth's ability to get things done in a crisis after the Spider Incident... Honestly, he's more fond of Edgeworth at this point than of any of his other superiors. He likes him. Edgeworth might be foppish and come off as a self-obsessed rules Nazi, but he's in Ce's books right now as a competent leader who cares for his crew, and that's plenty for him.
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