Aug 29, 2004 20:40
emily i heard you were amused as to the accuracy of my horoscope and so i was i lol check this one out this is from the same fucking site im so checking this shit out now haha
but first.....
for the people who dont know shit happened this weekend fucked up shit and im going away for the next 30 days to some messed up place that i dont need to be in.
An unexpected chance to take a trip by air to a place far away, perhaps at someone else's expense, could come to you today, britt. A group might be involved, perhaps one connected with education. Do you lecture, or teach? If so, this might be a chance to give a lecture in an exciting place you've never been to before. Get your materials together, pack your bag and go! And don't forget to have fun!
0_0 ^^^^^yeah dude thats the same day im leaving haha
yeah thats just fucking hardcore a little sucky that it isnt happy fun time but whatever im excited cuz this shit is close and knows what its talking about ^_^
trippy, emily, manda, i dont really know if im going to be able to use the phone for the time that im away or a computer so i just want to tell you that i <3 you guys so much your more supportive than people ive been friends with for many years and thats just bad ass :).....oh and dont even blame this shit on you cuz it was all my decisions you know just prolly remember that i tried :P now i know its gonna be hard with all the drama in u-tah but try not to kill anyone while your all mighty one is away ^_^
and remember your virginity is controlled by me so you better not have any sexual experiences unless im there as well haha
p.s trippy you are with a sexy man and dont get worked up cuz its not in your personality to do what somone has told you youve done DONT WORRY