if you a fly girl, get yo' nails done, getcha pedicure, getcha hair did...

Dec 01, 2002 18:59

vacation was... somewhat relaxing.

I got off the bus and went to John's on Tuesday (Siddharta bless half days). We went over to Jason's mom's house, and they all got fucked up on vodka and mary jane. I sat off to the side and watched, timidly. This went on for a long time; them being massively wasted, and me being bored and disregarded. I really hate that shit. After about 3 hours of that, I called mom and asked if she would bring us over to John's house, but she said to me, "no, you have to go to Blunt today; Claire called.". FUCK, I thought. I love going to Blunt, but I always forget about it, and make plans, just to have to shoot them down. But yeah, so mom came and picked my ghetto ass up and brought me there, stopping first so I could change my clothes. I got to Blunt and saw alot of my friends there. I hadn't seen Sammy, Molly, Hannah, Maia, or any of my other judo cronies in a few weeks, due to the recent events taken place at my household. And, Molly brought "Is This It" for me to copy! I was so happy. Thank you, Molly dear.

So I left Blunt with nothing to do. I went home for a long time, and sat on the computer. I had made plans to sleep over at Dave's, but mom wouldn't let me. So I went over and hung out with he and Elizabeth until 11:30. Nothing exciting happened, except that we went to the video store and I rented Tekken 4. Whoo hoo. It's a pretty good game; it's not Mortal Kombat, but still good. I went home, played it, then went to bed.

I woke up at almost 1:30, and got on the computer, looking for something to do. Sheena got online, and we decided to hang out. She picked me up, and I got a pack of smokes, then we went to John's house, where Michelle was babysitting, and John was smoking herb (big surprise). I watched a little of Save The Last Dance while I waited for them to finish smoking. Then, me and Sheena went to pick up Laken at her house. I got to drive up and down Laken's street. It was pretty cool. We went to Wal-Mart for the hell of it, and Laken bought food for us, and a big bag of Starburst for me, 'cause she loves me and stuff. Sheena brought me home, and I went and got Becca. We cruised the mall, and played alot of Dance Dance Revolution. I know, I made fun of the kids who played it, before I had actually experienced it myself. It's a workout! Jesus, I must've lost a few lbs playing that fucker. Then we looked around in a few stores, and headed home. I went upstairs and played Tekken and GTAIII, then conked out.

I was sound asleep when all of the sudden... "WAKE UP" was screamed in my ear, followed by my moron older brother bouncing on the foot of my bed. He jumped down next to me and turned the PS2 on, while I was trying to sleep, and insisted on played GTAIII. I was awake after that. Fucker. I went downstairs after a while, and looked at all the food. I was appauled. I can't believe we dedicate a whole day to eating a feast, just 'cause the pilgrims did it, when there are children in other countries who are lucky to eat anything at all in a week. I can see why all those other countries hate us; it's cause we're so fuckin' self-righteous. Well, I didn't eat much. a few rolls, and I tasted the soup my brother made. That's about it.

But boy, oh boy. My mom can make a mean pie. I couldn't resist eating a slice. After father cleaned up, we went and picked up Jenny, and she and I went to Dave's. It was pretty grand. The family was there; Dave, Tamara, Aubrey and Steve, plus Momma Siglock. Me, Jenny and Dave jammed in the studio. Jenny looked so funny playing the bass. She just sorta hit it for a while. I was rockin' out on Dave's new guitar. That thing is beautiful. it's royal blue, and has a really agile whammy bar. Beautiful. Yeah, so Elizabeth came (another big surprise *rolls eyes*) and we hung out with her for a while. I went home at 11:30, again, and went to bed.

I got up and went to John's to help Michelle babysit for the afternoon. We had to clean, 'cause John's aunt, cousins, and grandmother were coming that evening. We picked up a little, then brought Robbie and Meghan (John's little brother and sister) to the store, and returned. We played videogames all day long. Hehehe. The family got there, and we all hung out with them. John's aunt is so funny. And her son Kyle is adorable. Hehe. I had to leave early, but I borrowed Se7en from Eric (John's dad; hehe, welcome to the family). I watched that, then went to sleep at about 2:30-3:00.

I woke up, packed my shit and got in the car, heading for Fairfield, Connecticut at around noon. We drove. And drove. And drove. And finally, after 2 stops for food, we got to the Hi-Ho Motel, where the rest of the legion of party-goers were. The Matisses, the Youngs, and the rest of Patti's (my godmother) family were all there, getting ready for the evening to come.

God, I had a good time. I missed all my second family. Maggie was there, with a few friends (cute friends, I might add). We, and the rest of the 60 friends and family, partied all night long. I didn't drink much, 'cause I took it as a sign when I dropped my first wineglass of tequila, and had to clean it off the floor. It was sketchy. So I played video games with Ben and Gideon for alot of the night. The dancefloor was so funny. All the parents, hammered off their asses, and making a failed attempt at dancing. I swear, though, I never EVER want to see my father drunk-dancing to "Hot In Herre" again. That was scary as fuck.

I stayed at the partyhouse that night, and hung out with my godbrother, Gideon, and his cousin Ben. This kid was there, but I didn't pay much attention to him, 'cause he was really really annoying. I just bit my lip when I wanted to tell him to shut up. I swear, those kids bring out the kid in me. They're so immature, in an entertaining way. They would talk about *gasp* girls all night, and laugh like idiots, and fart on each other; God, I miss being 13.

We didn't go to sleep until around 7:30 this morning. I hate doing that, but it was worth it. And the funny part was, the party was still raging on when we went to sleep. I woke up, had a bagel, then we got ready and left Connecticut. I miss it already, my former home. Hehe, I'm such a sappy bitch. I slept most of the ride home, with the exception of a stop to Burger King. Mmm. I listened to The Strokes, Rage Against The Machine, and Rustic, which I left in Conn. My mother's gonna kill me, since it was her CD. Aww shit.

I've been sitting here all night. It sucks. But I got some GREAT news (I can't wait, Katie).

Welp, if you read that whole thing, you need help. Goodnight everyone. I'm going to bed.
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