and, that time comes around again.
hi. i don't know what i've been up to, so please don't ask. i found a place for my life everywhere. a little bit of here, a whole lot of there, the musty attic of my house, belly first on the creaking hallway floors. i've been around.
I had to spend labor day with my brother. not like it was much to mind, but it was a shortcoming compared to the recent years where we'd fill the front lawn with the laughter of close friends and random neighbors. fuckin' tours this year.
and while everyone's gone, i've been trying to keep myself busy so that i wouldn't wind up wrapped around in telephone cord with the dependency on any voice at all on the other line. i picked up A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar the other day, and i find it worth mentioning here. another collection of genius i'm proud to say is currently breaking in the new cd player justin bought me. nobody likes old fashioned conor.
Chris, fantastic job. the words to describe it are few, seeing as though it's early in the morning, and i can't think of the millions of ways to say "wonderful" like i want to.
i went from talking about being all alone, to discussing Dashboard's new CD. just look at that transition.