Got the muse up and running agian, big thanks to glofigs and prhistoriccat who's requests got me back on track. So to keep it going I have given myself a little challenge. In celebration of the premire of Season 5 for us yanks I've decided to create a Wallpaper graphic for each episode and if you know me by now you know they will be Connor centric ;)
So here is the first for Episode One and as usual the larger size is in my journal. I've cross posted this to the ALP page as well. Hope you enjoy =)
Once again LJ won't let me add the cut *ugh*. Lovely mods, any way you can you fix this for me????? thanks =)
And it cut my graphic in half......nice =( *bangs head on wall*... well, you can see the full graphic on my journal *sighs in defeat*